2016 PARISH PULSE (#6) - St Augustine's Hamilton

CHURCH @ ONLINE It can be easy to dismiss technologies and online communication platforms as fads, especially as members of an organisation which has survived without them for more than 2,000 years. Such platforms include Facebook, Twitter, Hangouts, Skype, Facetime, blogs, and good ‘old fashioned’ email (!). The reality is that these platforms are not fads, let alone recreational diversions used only by ‘young folks’. This so-called ‘social media’ – electronic tools which allow people and organisations to create, share, and exchange information – are big business. While mostly they are free, in some form, for individuals to use, providers of them are billion-dollar businesses. Social media is big in today’s world, used not just by individuals of all ages, but by governments, political parties, business large and small, community organisations … and churches. The Five Marks of Mission of the Anglican Communion are: 1. To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom; 2. To teach, baptise and nurture new believers; 3. To respond to human need by loving service; 4. To transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation; and 5. To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth. Each one of these can be supported by social media. And since social media is the “way of the world,” if we are to engage with the world then we as a church need to embrace social media. We cannot expect people to come to us: we must go to the people with the Good News of God in Christ. Social media makes this mission so much more effective.

At St Augustine’s we use electronic technologies and social media in a number of ways: • Our website provides fixed information about the parish, its mission, its pastoral and community services, as well as its activities. Visit: www.staugustineshamilton.com.au • The parish has a Facebook page (as well as a linked dedicated page for Kids’ Church): on Facebook, search for “St Augustine’s Anglican Church, Hamilton” … and when you find it, click the “LIKE” button so that you can be alerted to new posts of information – copies of sermons, photos of events, reflective comments, special sale items at Jumble, and so on. • The parish’s Twitter account sends out short comments on, well, anything really which we feel would interest our parish community. That’s what Twitter is about: broadcasting a short, punchy sentence to relay thoughts and ideas (called a “tweet”). Look up @StAugustines on Twitter. If this interests you but you don’t know where to start, don’t worry! If you can browse the internet or send an email, then you can use Facebook and Twitter. Please ask Marian or Rodney if you would like some help to get started. They can also assist you with any concerns you have about your privacy online. Join us in staying connected with the parish, and in sharing the Good News electronically!


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