BUSHkids 2016-17 Annual Report
Providing early childhood early intervention in communities on behalf of the NDIA: in early 2017 BUSHkids was chosen as the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Partner in the Community to deliver Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) Services in the Local Government Area (LGA) of Bundaberg. BUSHkids Early Start Teams In September 2017, BUSHkids was also chosen as a community partner to provide early childhood early intervention services in the Rockhampton, Gladstone, Central Highlands and Banana Shire LGAs. Success in obtaining these significant service agreements heralds a period of substantial growth for the organisation and provides the opportunity to increase the availability of evidence-based, family-centred services for rural and remote families and children in line with our strategic plan.
BUSHkids Early Start Team Funder National Disability Insurance Scheme
(NDIS) Partners in the Community Program – Early Childhood Early Intervention
Term 13 February 2017 to 30 June 2019 Service area Bundaberg LGA Staffing 1.0 FTE Team Leader 1.0 FTE Office Manager 5.0 FTE Early
Bundaberg Early StartTeam The first staff member recruited to our Bundaberg Early Start Team was Toni Garrett, our NDIS Office Manager. Toni commenced on 26 April 2017 and took a lead role in supporting the establishment of our new Targo Street premises, implementing required processes and establishing our new team. Our Bundaberg Early Start Team Leader commenced with the rest of the team on 12 June and everyone underwent an intensive three-week training and orientation program which culminated with the final week at BUSHkids’ annual conference in Brisbane. This program focused on essential NDIS training, supplementary early intervention and parenting training and had a strong focus on developing a values-based team in alignment with BUSHkids’ core values and culture.
It has been a very busy and productive start for this new service with the first family attending the Targo Street office on 13 July 2017. By the end of October, the Early Start Team had participated in more than 126 community engagement activities, assigned a keyworker to more than 200 children, undertaken 312 appointments and sent 23 plans to the NDIA for approval. Feedback from families and the local community has been very positive as we become established in Bundaberg. We look forward to further developing and evolving our operation, meeting the needs of families with young children with developmental delay or disability – and supporting the next Early Start Team to establish NDIS BUSHkids services in the Rockhampton region.
Intervention Facilitators 4.0 FTE Allied Health Professionals
Service purpose
The NDIS Partners in the Community Program enables implementation at a local community level, partnering with experienced with strong local knowledge and understanding of the needs of families with children with developmental delay. and qualified organisations
The BUSHkids Bundaberg Early StartTeam was officially launched by the Hon. Jane Prentice MP, Assistant Minister for Social Services and Disability Services on 30 August 2017. Seen here about to cut the cake are (L to R): Cr Judy Peters (Chair, FoBk Bundaberg), BUSHkids CEO Carlton Meyn, Jane Prentice and BUSHkids Council Chair Dr Neil Bartels.The event was attended by over 100 people and generated positive media and social media stories, immediately generating an increase in community awareness and a stream of new referrals for the team.
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