BUSHkids 2017-18 Annual Report


BUSHkids launched NDIS early childhood services across Central and North Queensland at the end of July 2018, with the official opening of our Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) service centres in Rockhampton, Gladstone and Emerald. The launch of our ECEI services was a great success, attracting considerable media attention and creating further awareness of the work BUSHkids is doing across rural, regional and remote Queensland communities.


BUSHkids would like to say a special thank-you to the following dignitaries for their continual support and attending the launch of our ECEI services – the Hon. Jane Prentice mp , Mr Ken O’Dowd mp , Mr Barry O’Rourke mp , and Mayor Kerry Hayes, our MCs Cr Judy Peters, Scott Lamond and Charlie Wilson, and BUSHkids Council members Dr Neil Bartels oam and his wife Annette, Honorary Treasurer Allison McLean, Julian Martin, Jan Boys, Margaret Lavery and David Ham oam .

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