BUSHkids 2017-18 Annual Report
e kindy
eKindy is an innovative distance education program enabling parents living in rural and remote areas to provide a kindy experience for their four-year-old children.
eKindy programs conducted for isolated kids
BUSHkids eKindy ‘pods’ Local state schools are encouraged to set up an eKindy pod or hub where children can attend sessions
Working in conjunction with a regional school and the Brisbane School of Distance Education , eKindy provides kids who are unable to attend kindy regularly — either due to distance or because they are not well enough to travel — with a comprehensive ‘at home’ kindergarten program in the year before they enter Prep. This provides invaluable kindy experiences which maximise their learning as they play, create, imagine and discover, preparing them to enter school. Children taking part in eKindy receive 15 hours of kindergarten for 40 weeks of the year during term time, equivalent to a centre-based kindergarten program. Case Study William discovers the joy of books During 2018, a four-year-old boy named William 1 attended one of BUSHkids’ eKindy pods and discovered the joy of books for the first time. When he entered the pod, William found a book and was keen to explore; sadly, it was the first time William had seen a book and he had no idea of how to hold, let alone read, the book in his hands. BUSHkids’ eKindy facilitator, seeing William’s eagerness to learn, seized the opportunity to introduce him to the world of books and book conventions. By term two, William had learned how to hold a book correctly, turn pages, use pictures as cues and has developed an amazing love of story time. This eager young man now believes he is a reader and sits quietly holding books and tells stories based on the pictures in front of him. Most of all, William’s understanding of books makes him better prepared for starting Prep next year. 1 Not his real name.
and in 2016 BUSHkids partnered with Proston State School and Brisbane School of Distance Education to support an eKindy pod. Following the success of the program at Proston, BUSHkids was approached by several other rural schools keen to establish an eKindy pod of their own. The eKindy pod was seen as a way for children to meet and learn through play with their peers and it quickly became noticeable how children attending an eKindy pod became familiar with the school environment and routines, which subsequently helped them successfully transition into Prep. During 2017, BUSHkids supported six eKindy pods in schools at Proston, Bell, Karara, Yelarbon, Morven, and Gumlu, with local communities raising their own funds to support this learning opportunity for their children. Following the success of these pods, the Department of Education invited BUSHkids to apply for funding to further expand its eKindy services as standalone care facilities for the 2018 school year. BUSHkids was successful in its application and is now supporting eKindy pods in 14 schools across the Darling Downs and Central Queensland, with two schools — at Yelarbon and Bauhinia — each providing two eKindy pods to meet demand for places. Within each program, BUSHkids provides the facilitator who works with the children in the school’s eKindy pod. To help with the program’s planning and development, the BUSHkids eKindy facilitators have support from a Distance Education-qualified kindy teacher, as well as regular support and professional development from the BUSHkids Clinical Leadership Team to help build the facilitator’s capacity and that of the local community. All the BUSHkids eKindy sites are more than 45km away from the nearest local kindy programs.
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