BUSHkids 2017-18 Annual Report
Across BUSHkids the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) landscape has changed drastically this year with the rapid expansion of the organisation. The scope of ICT and the need to track, extract and utilise service delivery data has also expanded. Our inhouse technical capabilities have kept pace with our growth, supplemented by external technical support as required.
Posts on social media during FY 2017-18
BUSHbase Work has continued throughout the year to further develop BUSHkids’ clinical database application to support our Allied Health and administration staff. Gerard D’Rozario of Bootstrap IT and BUSHkids have applied key architectural changes to BUSHbase this year, with the most notable addition the ability for users to enter Parent/Carer and Professional Feedback forms. With this data entered into BUSHbase, we will now be able to start correlating feedback with clinical statistics to better highlight client outcomes. BUSHbase is also scheduled to undergo its largest update since the application’s release in 2014. During the past financial year, feedback was sought from clinicians on how BUSHbase could be made more efficient and effective. That feedback has been compiled and Bootstrap IT, in conjunction with key BUSHkids stakeholders, is currently working on implementing the feedback provided. This major release was scheduled for October 2018 and includes these and other changes: a completely new clinical record screen total overhaul of Episode of Care enabling a user to work across multiple regions the ability to enter large number of individual clients registered for groups additional data entry options to facilitate the move to the Partnership Approach for DSS Discharge Letter automation. Social media Alongside our website this is now the main way we inform stakeholders, communities and clients about our work, the latest developments across BUSHkids and upcoming events: instagram.com/BUSHkids_Qld/
In general There have been numerous other exciting challenges throughout the year in the BUSHkids ICT space, several of which are touched on in other areas of this report. Particular mention should be made of the ICT team’s involvement in the UQ Telehealth project, the establishment of BUSHkids’ new NDIS regions, constant improvements in statistical reporting and various proposals to further improve our ICT systems. Dennis Siebrecht and the team at Fresh Method provide incredible support and guidance and have always adapted to BUSHkids’ numerous changes. Special thanks also to Council member Julian Martin for his continued support and guidance within all areas of BUSHkids ICT.
Website In December 2017 the new BUSHkids website was launched — a huge milestone for BUSHkids ICT — and we recognise the hard work and dedication of the many internal and external stakeholders and even volunteers who devoted their time. Thanks must also go to Smart Multimedia and Gavin Grubb, who developed the website and its many features. Release of the site brought with it not only a fresh new look but also an overhaul of content, and the ability to submit referral forms (both individuals and groups) online. Having Brodie Keim manage the content is also ensuring sufficient time and resources are being invested to continually maintain and update the site as a key touch-point.
25 %
Instagram posts, more than 100 followers
Increase in Twitter followers, 82 posts
Likes on Facebook achieved in April 2018
Meet Brodie Brodie Keim joined the ICT team in a support role after volunteering with BUSHkids under the supervision of Ken Lewis in 2017, to help create documentation for ICT projects. He then spent time working in the United States as a summer camp counsellor and, after returning to Brisbane, was sought out to become an employee. Brodie brings with him a dual Bachelor of Business,
Bachelor of Corporate Systems Management, and he has been tasked with development of ICT documentation, streamlining our ICT processes and management of the BUSHkids website. Brodie is providing all BUSHkids stakeholders with vital ICT support, stating that: “I am honoured to be a member of the BUSHkids family. I have felt welcomed ever since I began as a volunteer and am looking forward to seeing just how much we can achieve with kids and their families in Queensland.”
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