BUSHkids 2017-18 Annual Report
BUSHkids teams deliver a selection of programs and sessions tailored to the needs of local communities, so not all of those listed here may be available through individua Centres. Programs highlighted in blue are on a trial basis only, pending endorsement.
1-2-3 Magic ®
18 months–12 years Gives parents and carers practical ways to manage the behaviour of difficult children and provides easy to follow steps to help raise well-behaved, loving, competent children.
Abecedarian Approach Australia – 3a ©
0–5 years
3a is one of the few evidence-based, proven programs that integrates basic principles of human learning and development into a fun and effective approach for parents and early childhood educators. The focus is on providing specific, evidence-based techniques that advance the personal, social and academic achievements of very young children who, through local circumstances, may require additional attention and support to ensure success as they grow and learn. Teaches children to recognise and regulate their level of alertness to different situations, supporting their ability to engage appropriately in what they need to do during their day. A practical parent/carer workshop to help prepare their child for school, developed in-house by BUSHkids specifically for families in rural and remote areas. Explore and reflect upon their parenting style and examine the messages passed on to their children through their behaviour, interactions and emotional reactions. Parents learn about the brain development of their children and understand how to meet their children’s growing needs. Parents also reflect on and explore the meaning behind their children’s behaviour and develop awareness of cues that trigger unhelpful or ineffective responses. Gives parents the skills they need to provide emotional support to young children, enabling them to build their child’s resilience and help prepare them for school. Facilitated at school or in Centre, these group sessions teach children the skills to recognise emotions and manage fears and shyness, encouraging positive engagement in activities. A group program designed for anxious children and their parents; includes sessions to support children in facing fears and developing helpful thoughts and brave behaviours. A fun way to provide younger children with the essential motor skills ― such as how to hold a pencil correctly or cut with scissors – they will need to do well when they enter school. One of three FRIENDS Resilience programs, this provides a fun way for children to develop resilience and confidence, helping maintain happiness and mental wellbeing throughout life. Another FRIENDS Resilience program, this is a great way for children to learn the social and emotional skills that will help them make and keep friends, build their self-esteem and confidence, and help them maintain their mental wellbeing throughout life. The Hanen Centre began its work more than 35 years ago with a focus on early language intervention for children with language delays, and has since developed three other areas of expertise, each concerned with promoting the communication development of a particular group of children with specific needs. PALS teaches younger children the skills they need to build friendships and get along with others, particularly the social skills needed to do well in school. Mindfulness and Positive Psychology-based program to lessen anxiety and stress and increase resilience in children, helping them build emotional resilience so they are better equipped to deal with the day-to-day stresses that life brings them. Promotes the development of early literacy and language skills through shared reading, evidence-informed strategies and activities. A group program that builds resilience and supports the wellbeing of children who have recently experienced loss due to death, family separation or migration. Provides parents with information to help understand children’s sleep needs, identify possible sleep difficulties and ways to support healthy sleeping habits, as well as providing specific support for children presenting with developmental delays. Aims to develop skills to help children get along with others, make friends, problem-solve and manage emotions and behaviour. Completing the trio of FRIENDS Resilience programs, this program is taught to parents to increase their resilience and coping skills and ensure that the FRIENDS language is being spoken in the home. Provides education for parents experiencing toilet training difficulties associated with children with developmental delays, offering practical ways and resources to help children achieve success with toilet training. Gives parents the knowledge and practical skills they need to manage the behaviour of difficult children and teenagers, helps parents build the relationship with their children and provides simple techniques for resolving family issues and preventing problems from developing. Helps children learn to identify their feelings and emotional reactions and use sensory and perspective-taking strategies to encourage better self-regulation in different situations.
Alert Program ® – How does your engine run?
4+ years
A Steady Start to School (ASS2S) ©
Bringing Up Great Kids
Circle of Security ®
All ages
Cool Kids ® Anxiety Programs ©
3–6 years and 7–12 years
Face your Fears – Do as I do
7–13 years
Fingergym ™
4–6 years
FRIENDS for Life © – Anxiety and Resilience Fun FRIENDS © – Anxiety and Resilience
8+ years
4–7 years
Hanen Approach ®
PALS Social Skills Program – Playing and Learning to Socialise
3–6 years
Peaceful Kids
6–18 years
Read and Grow
0+ years
Seasons for Growth
6–18 years
Sleepwise ©
0–6 years
Stop Think Do
4–12 years
Strong Not Tough © – Adult Resilience
16–18+ years
Toilet Time ©
0–6 years
Triple P ® Positive Parenting Program
Zones of Regulation ®
7+ years
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