BUSHkids Annual Report 2011-2012

BUNDABERG THEYEAR IN GENERAL 2012 has been a very busy yet satisfying year in Bundaberg. As we sadly bid farewell to Sandra ( Psych) and Tanya (SLP), we were delighted to welcome two new staff members, Heather and Laura, who easily transitioned into the team and got straight to work providing high quality services to the children and families of Bundaberg! Many clients have received individual OT, SLP and Psychology support, in addition to support being offered through a variety of groups run by the FHSW both at the centre and in local schools. Some of the groups offered in 2012 included PALS, Fun Friends, Friends for Life/Stop Think Do, Friendship, Holiday Craft, Art and Literacy, PAL literacy, Fine Motor and handwriting groups. As always, demand for our services has been high, resulting in lengthy waiting lists for individual therapy services. The lists for psychology and speech pathology services have been closed for much of 2012 (our psychology books have recently re-opened) and, while it is difficult to turn a referral away from our service, we know when a possible wait for therapy is at least a year, it is better for the child and family to access services elsewhere. The Bundaberg community has been hugely supportive of our situation regarding new referrals, and we feel our team has negotiated well with other service providers to ensure children and families have alternative avenues for accessing their much-needed therapy. Our centre welcomed a second year OT student for a placement in Janu- ary and February. It was wonder- ful to have the addition of such an enthusiastic and willing learner within our team (albeit for only three weeks!) and we all enjoyed imparting our knowledge and

skills, and convincing our student of the incredibly fun and reward- ing experiences which come with working in early intervention. Since launching of the BUSHkids rebranding and new website in late 2011, our bright, eye-catching and more contemporary image has generated much positive feedback from parents, students and other clinicians who have ‘checked us out’ on the website. We have also enjoyed showcasing our bright new image on our letterhead, business cards and new work car. Brett recently serviced the centre during his week-long maintenance visit; thanks, Brett, for all your work in and around the centre. As a team we were delighted by the addition of a new therapy room – almost complete with sink, shelving, caterpillar tables and chairs. Thanks to Mumma’s Nest and the Commonwealth Bank, we now have a new flat screen TV and DVD player for viewing Triple P and various other parent education DVDs, along with a new lounge for our waiting room. Verbal feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. AROUND OURAREA Bundaberg is a large regional town servicing a greater population of over 100,000 – that includes the townships of Childers and Gin Gin. While best known for its sugar and rum, the Bundaberg region is also a big tomato, macadamia and fig producer. The biggest drawcard is no doubt Bundaberg’s proximity to the coast and its enviable climate – said to be one of the best in the world (akin to that of Florida!) – and this makes it all the more possible to enjoy the picturesque beaches of Bargara, Elliott Heads, Mon Repos (famous for its turtle rookery) and Lady Elliott Island on the Southern Great Barrier Reef.

In terms of population, Bundaberg is a lower socio-economic region. Many schools have special needs units attached and we have one of the largest special schools in Queensland. This exemplifies the need for free services such as BUSHkids within the community. ACTIVITYAND OUTPUTS Psychology – reflections by Heather Moyle I commenced my role in January, with enthusiasm and an ideal of how I would be instrumental in bringing about amazing changes to children in this community. I was attracted to BUSHkids by the proud history, the philosophy, and the family-centred focus of service delivery, and totally passionate about playing a role. I knew that in Bundaberg the demand for our services was high, but it came as a surprise to find a waitlist of 83 clients on the books, and that it was continuing to grow. I looked at the cheerful faces of my colleagues, took a deep breath, and dived in. It’s been an amazing journey: I’ve had the opportunity to meet with, get to know and understand some of the personal circumstances of the many families and children waiting and depending on our services. I’ve engaged with parents, developing personalised treatment plans to address the specific needs of their children and/or family. I’ve also dis- covered that I am yet to meet two children that are remotely alike! Most rewardingly of all, I’ve found, the children and families I have engaged with have all responded positively to the BUSHkids style of service delivery: an investment in one-on-one, personalised interest, engagement and time. Despite limitations with diagnoses, ongoing family problems, or some difficult school environments, the


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