BUSHkids Annual Report 2011-2012
Reflections by Linda Cholawinskyj THEYEAR IN GENERAL WARWICK
This year I also had the opportunity to access wonderful professional development activities which have significantly influenced my OT practice. Making Sense of the Senses workshop (presented by OT Gillian Griffths) in Perth was an amazing experience to reflect on how we work with families and evidence that supports best practice in this area. The welcome opportunity to give feedback on the draft BUSHkids Policies and Procedures was a valuable experience, and I am looking forward to doing my part in helping the BUSHkids service adapts to meet the challenges of 2013 and beyond. AROUND OURAREA Warwick continues to grow at a steady pace, and this, together with increasing awareness of our service, has been reflected in an increase in referrals and waitlists across all disciplines. Unfortunately, despite population growth and growing recognition of the need for OT services for children in our area, this hasn’t been matched by an increase in the number of paediatric OTs, with only one Education Queensland OT covering the entire district and no private services. The fact that, through BUSHkids, we can provide an intervention service, in addition to enabling children to access OT who may not fit into a diagnostic category or verified disability, makes working for BUSHkids particularly rewarding. ACTIVITYAND OUTPUTS During 2012, we have continued to provide individual programs to clients and families, as well as group programs, including the ALERT (engine running) program and OT School Skills group for Prep/ Year 1s, which has continued at one
IN OUR COMMUNITY Warwick and the region have a continuous, growing shortage of counselling services for children and adults. A local community group is currently advocating a strategic approach for a face-to-face counselling service to be set up in Warwick for those affected by family and domestic violence. This group has successfully established a ‘safe haven’ home and will continue to work for the ongoing support that families are needing. The Warwick team is very proud to have won the Business Excellence Award for best Community Service. It demonstrates that BUSHkids is establishing itself well into the community and being recognised by other businesses as a valuable contributor. IN OUR OFFICE Warwick team and head office have been discussing options about establishing an outdoor area for the centre. Something that I believe would be very helpful would be to have a projector system installed in the group room to make running of powerpoint presentations easier Reflections by Helen O’Connell THEYEAR IN GENERAL 2012 has seen some changes to our team, as well as the role changes in Head Office. In March, we sadly farewelled Francesca (Speech/ Language Pathologist) who left to pursue new opportunities and challenges. We were fortunate to have Emily join our team also in March, and she has been a great ad- dition. 2012 has also been the year of holidays abroad, with Bec taking extended leave for overseas travel, and Linda and I looked forward to our holidays in October.
What a busy and productive 2012 we have had here – many schools enquiring about group programs ( Fun Friends , Friends for Life and Bodythink ) – and there has been a continual flow of programs in the centre each afternoon for children, as well as Triple P, Stepping Stones The Warwick region seems to have settled well after the eventful floods early last year. Festivities have been well supported in the community with the annual Jumpers and Jazz event once again a highlight for children who helped with the decorations for the tree. The winter was chilly, dry and long. We are now beginning to enjoy some of the warmth that spring brings. However, the region is once again in need of rain. A different reign which has come to an end has been the winter outbreak of sniffles and flu, subsiding as the warmer months arrive. ACTIVITYAND OUTPUTS The waitlist for parent programs is growing and next term will see Do As I Do and ADHD parent information programs getting underway, along with the usual Stepping Stones or PPP. Our programs are becoming well known with regular enquiry calls coming in. Current training for Enhanced Triple P will try to help meet the need for more specialised care for those parents who need more support with their parenting concerns. Mentoring has been a highlight with great support and education from the FHSW mentor. and Do As I Do for parents. AROUND OURAREA
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