BUSHkids Annual Report 2011-2012

… Chairman

BUSHkids has had to absorb funding cuts this year, but our core funding streams are assured. It is important to remind ourselves, at this point, that every single dollar of government funding to BUSHkids is directed to frontline staff and services. We work very hard to match that investment, dollar-for-dollar, from our fundraising efforts and other community support, which enables us to equip and main- tain our Centres and underscore their operation. Part of our behind-the- scenes work, this past 12 months, has been to adjust both income streams to ensure that each Centre is broadly supported by both government and community funding. This improved allocation of resources has evened out disparities, minimised operational stresses and increased efficiencies. In addition to the ramping-up of federal oversight, through the ACNC framework, in 2012 we have also seen major changes at a state and local level, following the elections in March/ April. We managed the transformation in the political landscape smoothly and, we believe, effectively, forging open and direct relationships at all levels and with all key stakeholders. BUSHkids is, of course, an apolitical organisation which exists to serve the needs of the children and families across regional and remote Queensland, and our organisation has seen many such changes in its three-quarter-century history. As we look ahead to 2013, there are some exciting prospects and projects in store. Foremost are our people, and we are looking forward to extending and rewarding their skills and loyalty. Part of our review in 2012 identified some opportunities to extend existing BUSHkids expertise into such fields as early intervention treatments for children with autism. In the context of our reference group pathways and refocused operational efficiencies, we are looking forward to this natural

progression of our teams’ capabilities. In return, and acknowledging that the nonprofit sector inevitably attracts passionate people who simply cannot be remunerated as competitively as in other healthcare fields, BUSHkids is in the process of developing changes to leave entitlements and flexibility in work practices to enhance BUSHkids’ reputation as a good place to work. We will further support their efforts with an investment of more than a quarter of a million dollars in a new IT system, improving both day-to-day operations and record-keeping and our mechanisms to meet the challenges of our responsibilities to our funders and supporters. As part of this package, we will also be empowered to build and extend our intranet, enabling faster electronic communication, document management, and enhancing our ability to develop our people’s profes- sional skills with online learning and educational resources. It is thanks to the efforts of our General Manager that BUSHkids is the nominated beneficiary of the 2013 ‘ Loaves-and-Fishes’ lunch at St John’s Anglican Cathedral in Brisbane. This high-profile annual event benefits a different charity or cause each year, and we welcome this opportunity to participate and showcase our work, to raise both funds and our profile in the state’s capital. On the subject of thanks, I want to acknowledge both the staff who have left BUSHkids during 2012, as well as those who continue with us and those who have joined. The same measure of appreciation is due to our corporate and private partners and supporters, who are acknowledged in more detail elsewhere in this Annual Report. One I would like to single out for special mention joined the extended BUSH- kids family as a direct result of last year’s rebranding. A senior manager of Thiess saw one of our bold, bright cars on the road in Brisbane and was

motivated to investigate who was behind this sassy, fun, kid-friendly wordmark. In paying tribute to General Manager Carlton Meyn for his efforts and boundless enthusiasm for BUSHkids, and open, passionate communication style he brings to Council meetings and all the teams, I will let him tell you more about this, and other activities of the year, in more detail, and conclude with some key acknowledgements. My warm thanks to the Governor of Queensland, Her Excellency Penelope Wensley ac, for her ongoing support of our organisation. As our Patron, she takes a keen interest in BUSHkids and we are most grateful for this. In state government circles, I want to particularly acknowledge the Premier of Queensland, Mr Campbell Newman mp, who conveyed his administration’s regard for the work which we do across this great state on many occasions. The two ministers with whom we have had most dealings in 2012, Mr John- Paul Langbroek mp (Education) and Mr Lawrence Springborg mp (Health) are due our thanks for not only their departments’ financial provisions to our service but also their recognition of the vital importance of our work in regional and remote communities. In paying tribute to the head office team here in Brisbane, I am equally mindful of the tremendous efforts made daily by every frontline staff member at our centres; to catch up with you all at the annual conference is an inspiring and humbling privilege for both me and the Council members.

Dr Neil J Bartels MBBS LL.M Grad.Cert.Leg.Med.

FACRRM Chairman


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