BUSHkids Annual Report 2015-16


2 Measurement of productivity project BUSHkids’ system for collecting service-related data, BUSHbase , provides a rich source of data for enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the organisation. This project is aimed at both utilising and informing BUSHbase data capture to provide measures of service provision and the direct and indirect costs of providing these. It also aims to assist clinical management to achieve the Strategic Plan’s goals by ensuring that staff have the appropriate incentives to implement BUSHkids’ service model. There are two parts to this project: Part A Using the data from BUSHbase to establish measures of productivity for clinical and other front-line staff, taking into account: • Front-line (AH and FAC) services provided; • Clinical leadership (including supervision); • Measures of sessions (outputs) and hours (inputs) for different disciplines; and Overlay this framework with a weighting system recognising the strategic priorities of BUSHkids and the service model of care towards which they are moving. 3 CEO reporting templates This project involves designing a template for the CEO’s quarterly report to Council, the objective to report on how BUSHkids is progressing towards its strategic goals, with this aimed at facilitating more focused discussions around strategy by Council. Other aims include: i. minimising reporting burdens across the organisation thereby reducing the time taken to report by streamlining processes; and ii. providing greater visibility on both responsibilities and resourcing across the Key Result Areas (KRAs) of the Strategic Plan. To streamline reporting processes, a template has been designed so that each role can have its key responsibilities and functions identified and aligned to the KRAs of BUSHkids’ 2015-18 Strategic Plan. In addition, a comprehensive data bank comprising all quantifiable measures and qualitative processes (systems, policies and procedures) has been created. This was informed by previous GM Reports to Council, performance reporting as well as reporting needs of various funders. Staff would then begin to compile a consistent set of measures over time, with quarterly reports underpinning the monthly CEO report to Council. Finally, by capturing the percentage of time spent on various responsibilities and functions (for BAU in the reporting template and for the particular quarter in the quarterly report), the CEO report will provide an overview to Council of the resources used across the organisation, and evaluate this use in light of the strategic goals and progress made on each of the individual measures. Thanks to Joanne Copp from Economic Information Services for her work on these projects with our teams of management and staff. • Costs associated with different services based on hourly remuneration rates and overhead costs. Part B

Outcome measures BUSHkids recognises the importance of being able to demonstrate that the work we are doing is achieving what we set out to do. To be able to do this we have implemented outcome measures across our programs. The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) has been implemented for Occupational Therapy and Speech-Language Pathology interventions and will be implemented by Psychology and for multidisciplinary interventions in 2016-17. SCORE is the measure being implemented in the Department of Social Services programs and will be rolled-out across targeted group and community capacity-building programs in all BUSHkids areas in 2016-17. Professional Development BUSHkids teams are supported to attend a wide variety of Professional Development (PD) activities in line with service requirements. This includes access to professional supervision, online learning, work shadowing and attendance at relevant workshops and seminars. In 2016 ‘Lunchbox Learning’ sessions were introduced using technology to draw upon the knowledge and skills of BUSHkids professional staff to provide an effective in-service program. In the 2015-16 year, BUSHkids supported 32 staff members to attend a combined total of 112 days of Professional Development. Some of the PD activities attended included: • Working with Parents • Outcome Measurement • First 5 Forever – children’s communication and learning • Fun Friends – play based social skills • Lidcombe Program (stuttering) • Speech Sound Disorders • Behavioural Toileting • Sensory Processing • Neurodevelopmental Therapy • Triple P • Circle of Security • Domestic & Family Violence Training • 1-2-3 Magic and Emotion Coaching • Helping Children with Autism A strong commitment to Professional Development at BUSHkids contributes to a highly skilled workforce providing best practice to the children, families and communities living in regional, rural and remote areas of Queensland. In line with this commitment, our teams attended our annual statewide BUSHkids Conference, held in July 2016. • Read and Grow Facilitator Training • Play Assessment and Learn to Play • Play and Autism Spectrum Disorder • Attachment and Play • Professional Supervision Training • Language and Early Literacy • Motivational Interviewing

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