BUSHkids Annual Report 2015-16
Events AGM, Brisbane – 5 December
TROHPIQ Bowties & Beauties Charity Gala Ball – 31 July TROHPIQ celebrated National Rural Health Student Network’s 21st birthday in style at their annual charity gala ‘Bowties and Beauties’. The theme of the evening was the future of rural healthcare and innovation. BUSHkids Chairman Dr Neil Bartels delivered an inspiring presentation on BUSHkids, and TROHPIQ was proud to donate $3,000 to BUSHkids through money raised on the night and throughout the year. This marks the fourth year that TROHPIQ has supported BUSHkids, and we look forward to many more years of mutual support. Thank you to all those who came and celebrated with us. Border Ride, Mount Isa – 30 July Border Ride is a 200km bicycle ride from Mount Isa to Cloncurry on the Northern Territory border, which can be completed individually or in team. Danica and Carol from our Mount Isa Centre manned a rest station for cyclists, providing water and snacks to competitors. It was a fantastic day, the community really engaged in the spirit of the event, and some of the riders dressed up as superheros and the Muppets. BUSHkids received a $1,000 donation to the Mount Isa Centre – thank you all so much. Emerald Golf Day – 7 October Justin Scutt from Enwise Electrical & Refrigeration and the FoBk team demonstrated incredible support to fundraise for BUSHkids by hosting the Emerald Golf Day. Justin Benjamin and his team at Mitre 10 were unbelievable in their generosity and assistance with selling raffle tickets. BUSHkids OT Jessica Nikles joined the team of volunteers for the day to assist. Thank you to all who volunteered and helped on the day, and to all the teams who enjoyed their game. Warwick Golf Day – 9 October Even though bad weather stopped play on the first attempt on 18 September, the Warwick community showed their amazing support for a great turnout a few weeks later. The auction was a big hit with bidders targeting great sporting memorabilia and unique art pieces. Once again a big ‘thank you’ to Sandra Head and Rotary Club of Warwick Sunrise for all their incredible help with the preparation on the run up and on the day – Sandra, you are priceless. Work Health and Safety BUSHkids addresses this as a core responsibility of the organisation, and we devote an appropriate amount of time and resources to ensuring that our workplaces are healthy and safe for both staff members and clients. Council receives a regular report on Work Health and Safety matters and any incidents that may have occurred. It regularly examines all the requirements connected to BUSHkids’ activities to ensure that any risks are identified and managed. In accordance with the Work Health and Safety Act, all our staff are kept informed of their legislated responsibilities and their opinions are canvassed at annual staff consultation sessions. Our Maintenance & Safety Co-ordinator is in regular contact with staff at our regional Centres to remind them of the necessity for regular activities such as evacuation practices and the subsequent reports. He also keeps a constant watch on physical or structural defects in any of our properties which may pose risks to the health or safety of our staff, and any such problems are immediately addressed.
When the clock ticked over to 6 December 2015 it marked BUSHkids becoming ‘80 years young’. Brisbane landmarks were lit up for BUSHkids, with the Story Bridge, City Hall and King George Square illuminated in the red, orange, blue and white colours of the Royal Queensland Bush Children’s Health Scheme in honour of our 80th birthday. Part of what made this occasion so special was that – thanks to the Brisbane City Council – we held our 79th Annual General Meeting at the same table, in the same room of Brisbane City Hall, where the first public meeting was held in 1935 which created the Queensland Bush Children’s Health Scheme. What’s more, on our 80th birthday, Charlie Wilson and his sister Lesley and their family members attended to represent the memory of their grandfather, our founding Patron, Sir Leslie Orme Wilson. We were also joined by many other dignitaries, volunteers, staff and members of our FoBk groups. Among the VIP guests as official observers of the AGM proceedings in City Hall on Saturday evening were: • Mrs Jane Prentice MP, Federal Member for Ryan and Honorary Patron of FoBk Brisbane; • Cr Peter Matic, BCC Toowong Ward, representing Lord Mayor Cr Graham Quirk; • Cr Judy Peters, Bundaberg Regional Council, and Chair of FoBk Bundaberg . A special plaque was presented by Charlie Wilson to Arthur Rosbrook, widower of Betty, one of the many volunteer Red Cross escort ladies throughout more than 50 of BUSHkids’ 80 years. As Matt Tesch wrote in the concluding chapter of our history book, at that very special and historic meeting there was a sense of there being many more people in attendance than were actually visible … See pages 34 and 35 for some images from that event. For 80 years BUSHkids has been working to bridge the ‘great divide’ between city and country to help ensure that no Queensland child is disadvantaged simply because of the postcode in which they were born or live. That mission remains our goal as we look ahead 20 years to our Centenary in 2035. Many thanks to all of you, and everyone involved across the Queensland communities. We appreciate the many congratulatory and encouraging messages we have received from you throughout the year. YanganTreasure Hunt – 17 July Yangan Progress Association held a ‘Mobile Treasure Hunt’ to raise funds for BUSHkids Warwick, their local school and families in need, with 10 families dressing up and having fun on the day. BUSHkids Conference – 4-8 July See page 44 for a full wrap. Warwick Jumpers & Jazz in July Once again, BUSHkids participated in the Jumpers and Jazz in July Festival – Queensland’s quirkiest ‘yarnbombing’ and jazz winter festival. The theme for 2016 was ‘Bohemian’ and, with assistance from some little helpers, the BUSHkids tree was decorated with dream catchers and other colourful decorations.
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