BUSHkids Annual Report 2015-16
Friends of BUSHkids
Together with our Centre teams, Friends of BUSHkids (FoBk) committees are the face of the BUSHkids in their local communities. Our FoBk committees promote the work of BUSHkids, engage the community to ensure BUSHkids is meeting local needs and aim to raise funds. Friends of BUSHkids committees aim to harness community resources to increase support and awareness for BUSHkids and contribute to planning of services, facilitating events and initiatives in their local community to raise funds for our organisation and its services. Here is an overview of some of the many events, promotional activities and fund- raising that have been organised by FoBk committees in 2015 and 2016 to achieve these goals in their region. FoBkWarwick This is a very strong local group that was established in February 2015 with former Southern Downs Deputy Mayor Cr Ross Bartley taking a very proactive role as inaugural chairman. In 2016, Ross stepped down from this position and we were delighted when Ian Mace, a parent of a BUSHkids client, stepped up to the role to continue the great work.
“About six months ago I was nominated to act as chairman following on from the hard work undertaken by Ross Bartley. I felt honoured to get even more involved in our evolution working with some very professional and determined individuals committed to our cause. “I strive to make meetings a little less formal and strongly encourage new ideas and opportunities to fundraise and promote awareness within our community. As a group I try to shape the way we work together, the timing of events and to work as hard as we can with an emphasis on our local media. Also as most of us hold down a career the availability of a group email service enables us to communicate with each other outside of our six weekly meetings. “We have many new ideas for 2017 and look forward to working together and as effectively as possible.” This group’s members are extremely committed and very active in raising support and awareness of BUSHkids’ contribution to Warwick and the surrounding areas. Below are just some of their activities from the past year: Sixth annual Golf Day Despite the original date being rained out, the committee regrouped and managed to deliver a successful event. Local golfers provided support, along with major sponsors Domino’s Pizza , McDonald’s, Colrain Group , Cassells Automotive , John Dee Fine Beef and The Warwick Daily News . FoBk did a fantastic job arranging an auction, raffle, overall sponsorship of the Golf Day, hole sponsorship and general donations for the event. The committee was boosted by a group of Warwick Rotary Sunrise members who volunteered on the day. They erected signage, operated the mobile drinks and pizza delivery buggy around the course and helped sell raffle tickets in the clubhouse. Southern Downs Regional Councillor Neil Meiklejohn was MC for the event, and Stuart Wade of Wade’s Real Estate did a wonderful job as auctioneer.
Cr Ross Bartley (R) with Carlton Meyn; members of the Rotary Club of Warwick Sunrise (below) ready to raffle on the day!
Ian said: “I have been involved with FoBk for 18 months since its inception here in Warwick. As a parent of a child with an Asperger’s diagnosis, I felt compelled to give back something to BUSHkids after all of the professional expertise we had received as a family. It had made and continues to make a huge difference.
Ready to roll at theWarwick Golf Day
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