BUSHkids Annual Report 2018-2019
Our three-year telehealth research collaboration with The University of Queensland was completed this year and has resulted in a comprehensive framework for the delivery of BUSHkids teleHealth services, including in-house, evidence-based training modules for clinicians. The first research article has now been published, with several others accepted by peer reviewed journals to be published shortly. Congratulations to Jess Campbell who undertook this research as a BUSHkids-sponsored PhD candidate. Our volunteers continue to be the lifeblood of our organisation, through supporting our teams locally, helping to raise much-needed funds, creating resources and acting as our eyes, ears and our voices in their local communities. Our Friends of BUSHkids (FoBk) groups and the experience and talents of our volunteer workforce bring strength and vitality to the organisation. Another initiative that has come to fruition in 2019 was the recruitment of regional Allied Health students into casual Early Intervention Facilitator positions whilst they undertake their degree studies. The students come from a mix of disciplines including physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech pathology, and are studying at Central Queensland University and the University of the Sunshine Coast . This bank of staff supports the work of our ECEI teams and conducts a range of functions, depending on the local service needs. BUSHkids works collaboratively to get the best results for Queensland children and we were delighted to be selected as the 2019 beneficiary of the RNA Fundraising Committee’s ‘High Tea’ at this year’s EKKA. This annual event has dominant themes of fun and friendship, while fundraising for flood- and drought-affected rural children. These amazing women raised just over $40,000, which will be utilised to purchase in-home teleHealth kits for geographically isolated families.
BUSHkids presented at several conferences this year, including the Early Childhood Intervention Australia National Conference in June as well as the Isolated Children’s Parents’ Association (Queensland) State Conference in Charters Towers. We also accepted an invitation to join the Queensland Children’s Health Collaborative . To support this widespread growth in our services, we have implemented new finance and HR systems to both streamline our business processes and increase overall efficiency. Our ICT systems security has also been strengthened to meet evolving requirements. To further support our growth we have been investing in our leadership team, beginning with a workshop held in June. BUSHkids is currently in the process of becoming accredited under the State Government’s Human Services Quality Framework , with stage one assessment passed with conformity in all areas assessed. As we look to the future, BUSHkids is in a unique and strong position to continue to support more children and families across regional, rural and remote Queensland, by scaling-up our services to build the resilience of children experiencing adversity due to drought and natural disaster. 32 49 52 87 154 WORKFORCE 2014 –2019
With our new ‘Bounce’ service model we envisage being embedded within and building the capacity of local communities by recruiting and training local staff, working as part of a larger flexible organisation in utilising digital technology and contemporary service delivery models, and partnering with other community organisations. This is an effective and efficient approach to supporting emotional wellbeing and child development. This multilevel approach incorporates building community capacity through: universal programs targeted programs to increase resilience clinical intervention to remediate disorders building a rural workforce. Our FoBk group in Emerald has committed funds raised to trialling this approach in the Central Highlands as we continue to seek support from local communities, corporate donors, government, philanthropists and other sources to ensure statewide coverage. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our funders, donors, supporters, community partners, volunteers, our Friends of BUSHkids teams, all the BUSHkids Council members, our BUSHkids staff who work tirelessly in their service to Queensland children, families and communities. I would like to express particular gratitude to two long-serving BUSHkids team members — Karlee Wiles and Sue Clarke — who are moving on from BUSHkids: thank-you for your service and dedication over many years. I invite you to take the time to read through the stories in this report and learn about the difference BUSHkids is making in the lives of Queensland children, families and their local communities. operational management team, contractors and our dedicated
Carlton Meyn Chief Executive Officer
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