BUSHkids Annual Report 2018-2019
CAHS Emerald
Over the past year, Emerald Centre has continued to increase the benefits of co-location with the ECEI EarlyStart and Allied Health teams. This has encouraged a united approach and shared collateral in supporting the needs of children and families in and around Emerald and across the wider region. BUSHkids Emerald staff have represented our organisation at a variety of community events over the past 12 months, including: • Emerald FunFlight Day : supported charity FunFlights at the Emerald airfield for a day of fun activities and a flying experience for children experiencing adversity • AgGrow : at one of the biggest agricultural shows in Queensland, BUSHkids provided children’s activities and information regarding services. Like the Mount Isa team in the North West, Emerald staff have used innovative approaches to maximise the reach of services out across the Central Highlands, with a particular focus on BUSHkids teleHealth . Speech Pathology and Psychology telehealth supports have increased and been widely embraced, with this mode of practice now embedded as part of normal service provision. Our ‘drive-in, drive-out outreach’ features, with the team collectively travelling hundreds of kilometres to and from towns including Clermont, Tieri, Dysart, Capella and Blackwater. This mix of face-to-face outreach and telehealth has enabled staff to maximise time for direct supports. Emerald also experienced high demand for social-emotional and resilience programs. Targeted group programs were provided by the Family Health Support Worker in educational settings across Emerald and outreach towns. As well, single-session Occupational Therapy consultations and assessments were facilitated by the Brisbane-based Professional Lead for waitlisted families in Emerald, as there was a temporary vacancy in the local OT role during the year.
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