BUSHkids Annual Report 2018-2019

Volunteer profile: Mount Isa

Paris and Janet Penfold have supported BUSHkids in Mount Isa for the past 16 months. From the small farming community of Driggs on the Idaho-Wyoming border in the USA, Paris and Janet are in Australia on an 18-month mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and began volunteering for BUSHkids as a way to help in the local community. “I’m a third-generation potato farmer, and we raise quinoa and barley on our farm in the States, so it’s great to support rural communities Down Under,” said Paris. “He’s also a cabinet and furniture maker, which means he can plant, fix, tear apart and put back together just about anything, which has come in handy supporting BUSHkids,” adds Janet. “We try to do whatever task is asked of us to support the Mount Isa Centre. One of the first major projects we worked on was decorating all the doors in the building with Christmas decorations. The staff showed us pictures of what the dream was and we set about making that dream come true. The best story of the Christmas decorations was from simple snowflakes hanging from the ceiling. One of the children visting the centre always wanted to return to the “cold” where the snow was falling. He’d hug himself and say, “Burrr! It’s so cold here!” as the air-con was blowing the twirling snowflakes. It was very cute!” said Janet. Paris said it was fantastic to be involved from start to finish with building the Centre’s new outdoor area and sensory garden.“We were involved from the first shovelful of gravel removed to tilling the soil for the flowers and bushes. Janet painted the backdrop for the fairy garden and the ladybugs and bumblebees. We put together flower boxes and planted them as well. The end product of everyone working together turned the garden into a masterpiece! It’s a great spot for the kids visiting the Centre. We enjoy the sense of accomplishment in every task we can fulfil for BUSHkids, but it was particularly emotional when our church group was listed on the plaque that was presented on the opening of the Sensory Garden.” “When you volunteer at BUSHkids you become a member of an extended family of very caring individuals,” added Janet. “We enjoy working with the friendly staff and it’s fantastic the way they have welcomed us into their lives and let us contribute to their work. We love attending the play days and seeing the staff associate with the public and the little lives they touch. It’s a very rewarding experience to be part of BUSHkids and see the good things people do for others.”

CAHS Mount Isa

Our most remote team continued to make a big impact across the region, utilising some creative approaches to provide services, such as collectively working with other agencies to more efficiently direct resources and skills to

support the needs of children. The ISA team, comprised of an

Occupational Therapist, two Speech Pathologists and a part-time admin officer, attended regular professional

events and training, including: • Strengthening the Health

Assessment Response for children in Care – Community of Practice Western QLD PHN • Developing FASD Diagnostic Pathways for remote communities – Yapatjarrathati Project. Speech Pathologist Danica Kelly presented her research project titled “Leaping into Learning: Development of a group play and language intervention program” at the North West Outback Allied Health Forum, which was very well received. Regular telehealth to isolated families is supplemented by tele-mentoring and cross regional supports from other BUSHkids teams. Brisbane-based staff provided additional social, emotional and behavioural supports remotely. The official opening of our outdoor therapy space and sensory garden was attended by BUSHkids’ CEO, Mount Isa City Council’s Mayor and Deputy Mayor, other generous contributors (Rodeo Queen entrant Caitlynd Gardner; Haymans Electrical ; Duchess 51 Lodge ; Bunnings and Border Rider ) and the fantastic band of volunteers who have created this welcoming outdoor space. The ISA team and volunteers regularly participated in community activities including NAIDOC Week celebrations, culminating in a march through the town and family fun day; Welcoming the Babies; and the annual Border Ride.



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