BUSHkids Annual Report 2018-2019

ECEI EarlyStart Rockhampton

CASE STUDY: ROCKHAMPTON Getting Clowie the support she needs

Service area: Rockhampton, Livingstone, Central Highlands, Banana Shire and Gladstone Local Government Areas EarlyStart offices: Rockhampton, Gladstone, Emerald BUSHkids’ EarlyStart Rockhampton team maintained a strong community presence throughout the year, facilitating playgroups and exploring ways to encourage new families to take part, inviting guest speakers and holding information sessions. We also participated in many major community events, including Disability Action Week , Beach Day Out , Messy Play Day and Romp In The Park . Through our membership of the Children and Family Centre Reference Group the team has been working with Bidgerdii Elders to improve engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families in the Rockhampton area. Our Gladstone team is also working closely with cultural leaders and now liaises with the Family Wellbeing Team at Nhulundu Health Service . This team provides culturally responsive and consistent support to improve social, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing, and build capacity to safely care for and protect children. Members of the BUSHkids team now go on home visits with the Nhulundu Health Service, to make connections with families eligible for the NDIS. The Gladstone EarlyStart team has also been working closely with Child Development Services and Nurse Navigators to ensure smooth referral pathways for families. The team has also taken part in major Gladstone community events including SpringABILITY — an inclusive event held as part of Disability Action Week — and Ecofest , Gladstone Regional Council’s sustainability festival. The Emerald team has made further connections with the community at AgGrow , Emerald’s major agricultural show, and continues to work with the local Friends of BUSHkids , which provides fantastic support in both fundraising for our organisation and acting as a conduit with the community to ensure BUSHkids services are meeting local needs.

Clowie* is a little girl living with disabilities who was referred to our EarlyStart Rockhampton team. Following her assessment Clowie was approved for intensive supports as well as additional therapies through her NDIS Plan. Her mum Jenny was upset that, after working out the costs of all the intensive programs Clowie needed, she would be unable to afford one of the additional therapies also required. We worked with Jenny throughout the NDIS planning and implementation process and were able to find a way for Clowie to receive all the therapy she needed. The Early Intervention Facilitator realised that as the intensive programs Clowie needed did not operate during school holidays, while her Scheduled Review was going to start before the expiry date of the Plan allowing the additional therapy to go ahead. Naturally, Jenny was extremely relieved that Clowie would be able to get all the therapy she needed.



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