BUSHkids Annual Report 2019-20
BUSHkids’ Student Casual Initiative involves the recruitment, training and employment of a bank of regional Allied Health students to work as casual ECEI (Early Childhood Early Intervention) facilitators.
We began implementing this program in 2018 and it has now matured as a highly-valued component of our overall clinical services strategy: during 2020 we were able to showcase and share our success with other NDIS partners across the statewide Performance with Purpose partner forum. This initiative has increased the strength and capacity of BUSHkids’ NDIS workforce, enhanced the capabilities of regional Allied Health students to work in a family-centred and strengths-based way, increased engagement with regional universities and has provided a pathway for graduate clinicians into starting their careers with BUSHkids. From this program we are pleased to have recently recruited graduate Physiotherapist Danielle to work in our Bundaberg Service Centre, and graduate Occupational Therapist Brooke to work in our Maroochydore Service Centre.
Danielle (above) says that she has found that “having prior knowledge and being able to apply physiotherapy skills to observations and report writ- ing has really improved the quality of the work I do at BUSHkids. Likewise, the skills I have learnt at BUSHkids – such as child development milestones – have assisted me throughout my undergraduate degree.” Brooke (below) reckons that, “as a student, it has allowed me to develop confidence going into the workforce. ”
Where’s Craig?
In last year’s Futures report, readers were introduced to Craig Voll, a Bachelor degree student of Occupational Therapy at the University of the Sunshine Coast (USC). Craig continues to work with the staff at Gundoo Early Childhood Centre to support children and families in Cherbourg. BUSHkids is delighted that Craig’s personable approach and professional skills are continuing to grow and benefit our clients across the Wide Bay – Burnett region and beyond. Well done, Craig!
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