BUSHkids Annual Report 2020-2021

A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 2 0–2 0 2 1

C E O c o n t i n u e d

BUSHkids teleHealth New teleBUSHkids Centre

Human Services Quality Framework Standards A requirement of Queensland Health funding is that BUSHkids has an accreditation process, and this is assessed by the Human Services Quality Framework (HSQF) Standards. The assessment assists BUSHkids with ongoing quality assurance processes to ensure best practice human service provision. The HSQS Maintenance Assessment was completed on 12 and 13 July 2021 with audits for Toowong, Bundaberg, and Dalby. The Assessor identified that BUSHkids continues to meet the intent of the assessed Standards and this result demonstrates BUSHkids’ commitment to achieving the requirements of the Standards and maintaining certification.

Years of planning are coming to fruition with the development of our teleBUSHkids Centre at Toowong. The Queensland Government announced its support for BUSHkids to build a dedicated telehealth centre by providing a generous grant from the Community Infrastructure Investment Partnership (CIIP) program. Award of the grant was announced in September by the Deputy Premier and Minister for State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning, the Honourable Stephen Miles MP.

teleBUSHkids Centre The teleBUSHkids Centre is a joint initiative of BUSHkids and the Queensland Government

Watch /BUSHkidsqld

BUSHkids is one of 12 not-for-profit organisations to receive funding through the CIIP program which is designed to help COVID-19 recovery throughout Queensland. BUSHkids will receive $481,090 toward the creation of a dedicated teleHealth centre at BUSHkids office site in Toowong. The BUSHkids Brisbane team is based out of re-purposed Queenslander-style homes. One of these is to be turned into a state-of-the-art, purpose-built facility to increase capacity to deliver tele support from Brisbane. The grant enables us to start work on the project while we raise the remaining funds needed to build and equip the centre. The Centre is expected to be operational in 2022. We are excited to see construction of the teleBUSHkids Centre commence!

Speech Pathology Australia Conference Results of BUSHkids’ research collaboration were shared by researcher Dr Jess Campbell and BUSHkids Director of Clinical Services and Strategy Susan Harrison at the 2021 National Speech Pathology Australia Conference. This research identified the effectiveness of the speech pathology service delivered via telehealth and identified practice

changes. Telehealth acted as a catalyst for improvements in family-centred practice.


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