BUSHkids Annual Report 2022-23
Annual Report 2022–23
Brother snakes the koralbyn (large black snake) and goralbyn (small brown snake) were part of creation of the area, in particular the mountains around The Gap. Following the koralbyn departing, the goralbyn was left as a guardian of the area.
Protector animals include the mani (wallaby), buŕbi (koala), daw daw (dollar bird),
jingir-jingir (willie wagtail), guang (possum) , jalwang (kurrawong) and wulugali (crimson rosella). Djagun (our Country) is represented through handprints, lines and circles.
Bootheram (Story) circle is a safe and respectful place to come together to learn from one another and share knowledge. Please enjoy being in this special place. Artwork by Githabul man Nathan Charles
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