BUSHkids Annual Report 21 | 22


Friends of BUSHkids (FoBk)

A network of volunteers based in the regional, rural and remote communities which BUSHkids serves provides practical support to the organisation, raising BUSHkids’ profile and connecting the organisation’s clinical delivery with the wider community.

Currently there are three active FoBk groups – in Emerald, Warwick and Bundaberg – but as the organisation provides more support to more communities there is an increasing need for more FoBk groups to support our operations and grow the BUSHkids family. Whatever your role in the community there is a part you can play. FoBk members come from a wide variety of backgrounds: parents whose children have benefited from BUSHkids services, health professionals who have an interest in rural or children’s health issues, educators concerned with childhood development, and representatives of local business, government, and community organisations. All have the common desire to support the health and wellbeing of children and families living in their community. Our Friends groups promote, engage and network, sharing a greater understanding of the services which BUSHkids can provide, creating opportunities for like-minded groups to work together with the team and enabling BUSHkids to provide more free services to the community. The FoBk network also provides practical help to their local service centres by volunteering and raising much-needed financial support by generating business sponsorships and through fundraising. Golf Days, raffles, Bush Dances, Breakfast with the BUSHies and the Scarecrow Family Fun Day are just a few of the events that have contributed to the promotion of BUSHkids’ services this year while raising funds and boosting the wellbeing of everyone who has joined us to take part. In Emerald, money raised has been dedicated to sponsoring a new staff member in the local service centre, while FoBk Warwick has been able to make improvements to the service centre’s outdoor area enabling more playgroups, family meetings and clinical sessions to be held outside. Here in Bundaberg, our Friends group has provided significant support to the bigger and better service centre which opened in Norville late last year. I urge anyone who can dedicate a little of their time to help others to join their local Friends of BUSHkids group and, if there isn’t one already in your area, start one with your friends. I am reminded that ‘it takes only a moment, a smile or the smallest gesture’ to make someone’s day better — and that’s what FoBk does!

Friends of BUSHkids Bundaberg Chair Judy Peters oam

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