CCN - St John's Cathedral Community News #89 August
Wasting Time with God
“Interfaith – A guide to the fearful and perplexed” with Ariel Heber Ari has been involved with Interfaith in Queensland for over 10 years. He has been active in the local, national and international levels, involved in many organisations in Southeast Queensland over this time and has presented talks to community groups and Schools at the Brisbane Hebrew Congregation for 12 years. Ari will speak on his Interfaith journey, sharing thoughts and ideas to make the experience less fraught and shares some of the lessons learnt in the process. Ari has also been involved in MARS (Men Affected by Rape and Sexual abuse) for 16 years; he has gone from participant to facilitator and has been involved with assisting men from all faith traditions find a way to recovery. As usual the morning will begin with a time of prayer and reflection in the Lady Chapel at 9.30am before moving to the Darnell Room for the presentation and discussion at 10.15am. Evensong, a musical and liturgical reflection for the end of the day, occurs not just every Sunday evening but also on the first Wednesday of the month at 6.00pm. Scheduled release of this month’s CCN means that August’s monthly ‘coral evensong’ will be behind us by the time this is read, so make a note for Wednesday 6th September . Please join us for a time of contemplation and beautiful music.
Wed. 2nd August 9.30am – 11.30am
Choral Evensong
Wed. 2nd August 6.00pm
Free morning concert
Queensland Conservatorium: Keyboard performers In this exciting program of piano repertoire, pianists Imogen Scott-Parker, Hana Hart and Rachael Shipherd played works by Chopin, Tchaikowsky and Liszt. These three performers are among the most advanced in the Con’s keyboard department and are among the twenty pianists selected to compete in the prestigious Lev Vlassenko Piano Competition in September 2017. NEXT free morning concert: Wednesday 23rd August
Thursday 3rd August 11.00am
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