Directions Statement

As part of our 2017 review of Tropical Cyclone Debbie, we identified the need for an ongoing program of work aimed at delivering sustainable improvement based upon the identification and analysis of issues and the development, implementation and monitoring of improvement strategies. In response, the Government tasked this Office with leading the implementation and maintenance of a system-wide lessons management program. Comprehensive lessons management programs are being developed by other jurisdictions which build on the Commonwealth’s earlier work. Preliminary discussions with Emergency Management Australia, Emergency Management Victoria, the Office of Emergency Management NSW, SES NSW and the Centre for Army Lessons have shaped our early thinking about a lessons management program in Queensland, as has our review of other’s approaches, such as used by NATO. This Directions Statement briefly outlines the approach we will be taking. I am keen to ensure we adopt a collaborative approach, utilising a co-design methodology, and therefore invite nominations from those interested to be involved in informing direction and in the development of the lessons management program.

This significant piece of work will strengthen our disaster management arrangements into the future and result in improved outcomes for Queenslanders.

Iain MacKenzie afsm Inspector-General Emergency Management

Inspector-General Emergency Management


February 2018 |

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