Inspector-General Emergency Management

Summary of relevant recommendations, findings and discussion points from previous Office of the IGEM reviews

Appendix C

Debbie Themes Report


2014-15 Evaluation of Emergency Management Training and Exercise Arrangements

Finding: Greater sharing of lessons from exercises is identified as an area for improvement. There is an opportunity for the future QFES system to consider previous work in this area and lessons management systems in other jurisdictions. Recommendation: Banana Shire Council investigate means to prioritise the commissioning of a fit-for-purpose flood study for high-risk areas across the Banana Shire to better inform flood risk management, including improved town planning. The outcomes of such a study should be available to the public and inform flood awareness campaigns, flood warnings, and building approvals. Recommendation: Banana Shire Council coordinates the development of a strategy to significantly enhance public education regarding local disaster management arrangements within the Banana Shire, focusing on key identified risks. Recommendation: SunWater provide downstream residents with easily understood information regarding operation of the dam, and the impacts that various outflows may have for them, in accordance with mapping prepared for the Emergency Action Plan. This information should be complementary to any information from the Banana Shire Council. Recommendation: In accordance with recommendations of the BMT WBM report, the Banana Shire Council, SunWater, and the Bureau of Meteorology, under the stewardship of the Department of Natural Resources and Mines, jointly identify the requirements for a suitable gauge network for the Callide Valley to allow meaningful and timely flood warnings. The review should identify key stakeholders, examine potential funding sources and include a cost benefit analysis. Professional Practice Consideration: Queensland Fire and Emergency Services should consider examining regulatory provisions to improve disaster management and business continuity planning for aged care providers. Recommendation: Banana Shire Council completes business continuity planning as a matter of priority, including documentation and testing of the plan. Recommendation: State Disaster Coordination Centre considers requesting a representative from critical infrastructure owners be present as a liaison officer in the State Disaster Coordination Centre during activations for events that may impact on their assets. Recommendation: The State Disaster Coordination Centre Notification Matrix is reviewed to ensure local governments are notified of any event affecting, or likely to affect, their local government area. Recommendation: A dynamic online list of positions and contact details is published for those able to authorise Emergency Alert, and made accessible to local government. Professional Practice Consideration: Queensland Fire and Emergency Services should consider supporting local governments in the annual development of at least one pre-formatted Emergency Alert message and polygon map based on a risk assessment and hazard modelling. Recommendation: As part of the above, both the Banana Shire Council and SunWater ensure Emergency Alert messages are pre-formatted, consistent, polygons are identified according to risk, and that they are tested and practiced with the State Disaster Coordination Centre. Recommendation: The Queensland Emergency Alert Guidelines is reviewed to reflect current practice and incorporate evidence-based improvements informed by lessons learned and research.

Culture of learning

2015 Callide Creek Flood Review


2014-15 Review of Cyclone and Storm Tide Sheltering Arrangements

Business continuity, communities and local critical infrastructure

2015 Callide Creek Flood Review

2014-15 Review of Local Government Emergency Warning Capability

Information management

2014-15 Review of Local Government Emergency Warning Capability

Emergency Alert

2015 Callide Creek Flood Review

Recommendation: Emergency Alert messages for dam related events are: • pre-formatted, consistent and current polygons are identified • content aligned with the Queensland Emergency Alert Guidelines • stored and practised in consultation with the State Disaster Coordination Centre.

2015-16 Review of Seqwater & SunWater Warnings Communications


The Cyclone Debbie Review

Lessons for delivering value and confidence through trust and empowerment

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