LITTLE SHIP CLUB March 2016 eNews

QRBC news

News from TMR and MSQ about some new shipping anchorages being planned, for outside the Pilot Boarding Grounds (PBG) off the Sunshine Coast, and flanking the Outer / Inner Reciprocal Markers in the Brisbane Roads in the central northern Bay. An email of 11th February from the Executive Director, Maritime Services, MSQ, on behalf of the Assistant Regional Harbour Master (Brisbane) asked for these maps and information to be disseminated to QRBC members. As outlined at the recent meeting, MSQ is looking to implement designated anchorage areas at the entrance to the main North/West shipping channel (upper map) and at the Brisbane Roadstead in Moreton Bay (lower map). “This is in response to some safety matters that MSQ has identified and will provide a level of certainty to boaters on where they may encounter ships at anchor,” the email stated. The ARHM (BNE) is slated to attend the next QRBC meeting and is seeking comments from QRBC members about the proposed anchorage plans. Any LSC Members with views on this subject should contact either the Commodore or Rear-Commodore – preferably by email – as soon as possible, and the feedback will be consolidated and passed on at the next QRBC meeting. It appears, from the upper map, that some changes to the shipping channel are also contemplated, to steer clear of the unfortunately-sited 13.9m rock to the east of Currimundi / Buddina,

Above: Map extract of Sunshine Coast waters from the Maroochy River mouth (top left) to the Caloundra bar (lower left) showing proposed new anchorages. (Supplied: MSQ)

Above: Map extract of Brisbane Roads with proposed new anchorages. The Outer / Inner Reciprocal Marker beacons are defined (centre left) by yellow arcs. (Supplied: MSQ)

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although this was not expressly mentioned in the email request.

Featuring the stunning work of Straddie photographer Luke Casey (and the LSC in June!), this gorgeous full-colour calendar is just $15 from the LSC bar.

Proceeds support the Point Lookout SLSC. A few copies are still available!


March 2016 eNews

Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)

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