LITTLE SHIP CLUB eNews February 2016

Christmas in Yamba

Yamba Cruise – without company! We had heard of previous jaunts to the south by the Little Ship Club members and thought ‘what a great experience!’ So we headed off Christmas morning, with a stopover at Marine Stadium for the night. Bill and the boys arrived in Yamba on Boxing Day, with Jordy and I checking out progress at various locations along the way – you can’t actually see them, but they are in the background! The kids loved the beaches, and we enjoyed a few ‘brewskis’ at the lovely ‘locals’, while the kids played in the parks on our round trip to Grafton, where we saw an amazing show of bats fly over at dusk, and some reasonably good fireworks on New Year’s Eve. After two weeks trapped on a boat with three kids, Bill volunteered to make a lonely (sans company) but uneventful trip home to Raby Bay, while the kids and I took the ‘sook’s option’ and drove home! Jenny Morley


February 2016 eNews

Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)

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