Animated publication
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron) ABN 31 009 823 590 1 Yabby Street Dunwich Qld 4183 Phone 07 3409 9022
Post: PO Box 10, Dunwich Qld 4183 Website: Newsletter: Little Ship Club June 2016 eNews
LSC eNews 1st anniversary edition!
What’s in a name? • The editor wants to know – see p.15
‘Live and Loud’ : 2 bands & a sizzle! • Saturday 18th June 2pm-7pm @ the Club FREE sausage sizzle for kids 1pm-2pm! State of Origin II • Wednesday 22nd June on the big screen!
2016-17 MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS Renew before 15th June to receive 500 points!
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
June 2016 eNews
Roger McDowall
0422 880 294
Immediate-Past Commodore
Lyle Watkins
Vice-Commodore Director, Legal Affairs
Chris Goodhew
0407 981 814
Rear-Commodore Director, Communications
Matthew Tesch
0406 777 077
Director / Secretary
Gaye Morcombe Tracey Watts Bill Canfield Greg McGuire
0413 843 081 0417 892 887 0412 565 872 0411 750 033 0400 305 377 0428 458 039 0422 652 440
Director / Hon.Treasurer Director, Grounds & Works Director, Legal Support
“Speculari” “Elizabeth” “Swordfish” “Restless”
Fishing Captain
Col Barker Ian Bladin
Game Fish Captain
Sailing Captain
Paul Coleman
LSC Photographer
HLM Pam Mobsby
Naval Liaison/Protocol Officer Allan Early QRBC Delegate
PC LM Arthur Mobsby Julie & Craig Hackett
Club Managers 07 3409 9022
Web / Online /eNews Editor
Matthew Tesch
0406 777 077
Raffles every Friday night; Members’ lucky number draw Saturday JUN Jazz by the Bay LSC TBA Fishing Section competition LSC Fri 17th > Sun 19th Live and Loud - 2 bands sizzle! LSC Sat 18th State of Origin (big screen) LSC Wed 22nd JUL State of Origin (big screen) LSC Wed 13th Fishing Competition LSC Fri 15th > Sun 17th Music by the Bay LSC Sat 16th AUG Fishing Section competition LSC Fri 19th > Sun 21st Music by the Bay LSC Sat 20th SEP Fishing Competition LSC Fri 2nd > Sun 4th Father’s Day LSC Sun 4th Interclub Bay Cruise Bay Sat 17th > Sat 24th ICBC @ LSC LSC Sun 18th OCT Queen’s Birthday long weekend LSC Mon 3rd Annual Trophy Night LSC Sat 22nd – TBA* Annual General Meeting LSC Sun 23rd – TBA* *Wedding booking this weekend may require rescheduling – TBA NOV Melbourne Cup LSC Tue 1st Music by the Bay LSC Sat 19th DEC Christmas drinks with the Board LSC Sat 17th Sydney-to-Hobart start (big screen) LSC Mon 26th New Year’s Eve LSC Sat 31st LSCalendar 2016
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron) ABN 31 009 823 590 1 Yabby Street Dunwich Qld 4183 Phone 07 3409 9022
Post: PO Box 10, Dunwich Qld 4183 Website: Newsletter:
June 2016 LSC eNews Front cover: Dawn at the One Mile; photo by Julie Hackett Reports received for this edition from: Commodore
Vice-Commodore Rear-Commodore Hon.Secretary Hon.Treasurer Membership Works & Grounds Managers
June 2016 eNews
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
Commodore May provided us some brilliant boating weather with attendance at the Club on an upward spiral. Wonderful! Pontoons and swing moorings have been in high demand so please make sure you are conversant with Club policies on the booking arrangements for our much sought-after facilities. The month was also busy from a Board perspective with the Hon. Treasurer/Membership Director in concert with our Rear-Commodore working hard on the reshaping of our membership and renewal process. Suffice to say that the ‘proof of the pudding
I can advise that an objection has now been formally lodged on behalf of 11 major boating organisations and the Oyster Growers Association of Queensland. There is a long way to go with this process and the QRBC together with its membership will monitor progress. Southport Yacht Club celebrated its 70th birthday in May, and representatives called into the Club for dinner during their ‘Goodwill Cruise’ of Moreton Bay. The LSC was presented with an SYC burgee in recognition of SYC’s 70 years of boating. The burgee is currently being framed and will
is in the eating’ and I’m sure that Tracey has an informative update in this issue. Our managers have been hosting several functions which have kept all on their toes with visiting Clubs taking full advantage of the new direction our Club has taken. Also, the coffee machine has been serviced and repaired with Craig and Julie researching and sourcing desirable coffee products for our consumption. It won’t be long before we can kick back and have an
soon be on display in the club. I was honoured to receive the burgee and the gesture clearly demonstrates the high esteem in which the Club is held by our long- time friends. Last but not least the Champagne Cruise …What a great week! This was our first experience on this traditional trek, and we were blessed with the weather. Organisation was brilliant and I am pleased to say we
made many new friends. A big thankyou to David & Margaret Cameron for all their hard work to make the event so successful. Of course ‘no show without punch’ – our ‘Master- at-Arms’ Arthur Mobsby and ‘Deputy Sherriff Pam’ made sure that we were all significantly lighter in our pockets with the imposed fines …. even for doing the ‘right things’. Guess that’s about it for that overview: what happens on the cruise stays on the cruise! Roger J McDowall
enjoyable cappuccino while watching the sunset! You will all be aware that the Members’ Draw is now held on a Saturday with a view to ensuring that all Members have a greater opportunity to participate. We will, if all goes well, include the odd meat raffle which would be icing on the cake and add to the upbeat atmosphere. Introduction of entertainment on selected weekends has also been successful. The RQYS proposal for the water management of Deanbilla Bay is being extensively discussed at Queensland Recreational Boating Council meetings.
Great family fun day @ LSC Sat. 18th June : Sausage sizzle 1-2pm FREE for kids, PLUS TWO LIVE BANDS nonstop 2-7pm
FREE for kids under 12
Bands playing alternating sets nonstop 2pm–7pm!
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
June 2016 eNews
Around the grounds …
Here’s a quick wrap of some of the tasks in hand or being planned. Our Clubhouse requires new guttering and replacement of the roof. Director Bill Canfield is generously providing, free of charge, two tradespeople to install the new gutter. We are looking at about a day-and-a-half in labour plus transport of product and equipment to the island (subject to work commitments). Once that has been completed the clears will be reinstalled around the covered patio area. Installation of solar panels is planned as part of the necessary re-roofing, and this project is in an advanced planning stage. Much of the kitchen equipment is also in need of replacement and/or expansion, especially to cater for the increasing number and size of functions and events bookings we are receiving. On a positive note, the coffee machine has been fixed and sample new blends and staff training are both well in hand.
Upgrades to the gaming machines are also under active consideration, with more information on this to come in the near future. The ropes and gear on our signature flagpole have benefited from some short-term maintenance work but will need replacement before year’s end. Also fixed for now is the issue with the security gate above the main pontoon, with the probable cause identified. As always, if Members can assist with any of these matters, please contact one of the Board or Flag Officers. In the longer term, with the ‘shifting sands’ of Straddie’s post-mining future increasingly at the forefront of public discussion, LSC will be building a full scope of works and concept plan for the years ahead. With an island economy based on sand-mining for nearly 50 of the 65 years of our Club’s history, the changes will be profound and we will be proactive in facing them.
Members’ SATURDAY NIGHT random draw* now $150
on Saturday 11th June
After draw on 4th June Amount jackpots by $50 each week if unclaimed on the night. *From 1st July 2016. the Saturday night random membership number draw is for Full, Associate, Senior and Life Members only.
The suspenseful build-up was finally broken on Friday 20th May when Social Member Maria was present as her numbers were called, and Craig, Julz and Jayden presented Maria with a cheque for $3,500! The Members’ random number draw has now moved to Saturday nights.
June 2016 eNews
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
As we get closer to the end of the financial year, the Club has turned its attention to membership renewal and as a result we’ve made some chang- es to the prices of both memberships and merchandise. Full membership has increased modestly to $215 with Seniors constitutionally half that at $107.50, and for new Full members the joining fee has been increased to $75. Our Associates and Social Members’ fee has also increased, both to $30. There is another significant change that will commence in the 2016-17 financial year when the Social membership will no longer attract the Members’ discount on beverages or earn loyalty points. We feel this is only fair and a recognition of the different pricing structure for Social compared with Full Members. The 2016/17 membership year is almost upon us and membership renewals are in full swing. After our big effort last month getting the back end systems for the bar and bistro sorted out we have now been able to turn our attention to our membership database. Membership renewal time has provided a timely opportunity to verify the information we have on file for all our Members so we can make sure everything is up to date. Those Members that have provided the Club with an email address would have received your email renewal notification by now, and I can happily report that no less than 15% of our entire membership renewed in the first five days after it was sent – what a speedy response, thank you! As well as that, every one of our members will also be receiving (or should have already, depending on Australia Post) a renewal letter that includes some of the important information we have on file for you. We needed to be confident we reached all our members and unfortunately at this time email doesn’t quite cover you all!
The deposit for a security fob has increased slightly as have various items of merchandise in line with the increased costs to the club. The new prices are shown on p.18 of this eNews and will soon be posted on the website. Additionally, the (temporary) Member application form at the back of this eNews (p.20) reflects the new pricing structure. The Club continues to go from strength to strength under our now not-so-new management team. Financially, the Club’s weekly takings consistently outperform compared to the same period last year. Obvi- ously still early days, but things are looking brighter, there is more cash in the bank and we remain cautiously optimistic that things are heading in the right direction. Even if you have already renewed, it would be very much appreciated if you could check the notice you receive in the mail to see if we have the correct information for you and your vessel. We are also VERY keen to get an email address for all our members as it would be nice in the future if most Club communication can happen via email rather than the more laborious (and expensive) postal format. So if we don’t have an email address for you and you have one, please let us know. Many thanks to all our renewing members and remember: if you renew before 15th June we will credit you with 500 points! Tracey Watts Director (Membership)
Many thanks for the continuing support of our members! Tracey Watts Director / Hon.Treasurer Mobile: 0417 892 887
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
June 2016 eNews
Trip report : ‘Reef Rumble’
Things are rumbling in far northern waters, according to a report from Karen Davy, received just before she flew north on 22nd May to join PC Lyle Watkins and Member Jim Roberts aboard “Silhouette” on their peregrinations The gents departed Brisbane on 3rd May in company wit three other LSC vessels – “Dracomaris” (Ross & Rae Hembrow), “Northern Trek” (Peter & Christine Trim) and “Solitaire” (Greg & Cheryl Daley) – the flotilla travelling north in company, and all safely crossing the Wide Bay Bar. Fellow Member Hugh Bletchley ( “Inya Dreams” ) left a week earlier, and effected a rendezvous at Island Head Creek with the roaming fisherfolks. Jim Roberts gaffed the first catch of the trip at the top of Sandy Straits (lower right), with Lyle catching up later with some nice Red Throat Emperor at Hunter Island. Before jumping on a plane, Karen advised eNews that “they have had great weather on their cruising days. Overall excellent. All the boats going nicely and lots of fun is being had by all.” Based on the photo evidence, they’re unlikely to be starving or thirsty!
• SECOND-HAND • MANUFACTURE • CONTRACT RECOVERY SERVICE Phone: 07 3805 1056 Mobile: 0427 204 787 Email:
June 2016 eNews
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
Trip report : LSChampagne Cruise
Well, 25 Champagne Cruisers gathered at ‘Little Ships’ on Saturday 21st May for the welcome cruise dinner, and the fun began that evening and just didn’t stop all week. We welcomed five boats who hadn’t participated in the cruise before, so there were new friendships made and old friendships renewed. On the next day, Sunday, we all enjoyed a sausage sizzle for lunch and sports afterwards, including mini golf, lawn bowls and bocce. After that we ran Trivia which had been eagerly looked forward to and was enjoyed all week on the occasions we were able to hold it. On Monday we all headed to Blakesleys where we enjoyed a few hours of fellowship on the beach before the strengthening northerly sent us packing and we enjoyed the calm waters at Canaipa that night. Tuesday saw us head south and up the Coomera River to Gold Coast City Marina where we were made very welcome and assisted into our allocated marina berths. That evening we enjoyed a fantastic dinner at the Quarterdeck restaurant before retiring to our boats. On Wednesday, 18 of us embarked on a tour of the Riviera factory where we saw it all from the laying of the hulls to the finished product – a very interesting and educational tour!
Some of the ladies took advantage of the courtesy bus to Harbourtown for shopping therapy. In the afternoon we en- joyed a pontoon party and again that evening had dinner in the Quarterdeck restaurant, another great meal. On Thursday we left Gold Coast City Marina and retracked down the Coomera River en route to South Haven, the Moreton Bay Trailer Boat Club facility, just south of Tipplers, where we enjoyed a very pleasant lunch and afternoon ashore at their great venue. On Friday we returned ashore again to enjoy our final cruise day barbecue lunch – and of course sweet slices for dessert! Arthur Mobsby again ran the fines sessions when possible during the week; the monies raised will be given to VMR North Stradbroke Island. The weather during the week was excellent and the mateships formed during the cruise were second to none. Thank you to all on the cruise for your offers of help at the various venues, it was much appreciated. Cheers until next year!
David Cameron Cruise Captain
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
June 2016 eNews
Fishing Section : May
June 2016 eNews
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
Fishing Section : May competition
Numbers were down (about eight weigh-ins) and, despite perfect weather, Mother’s Day may have had some bearing on this. However, the quality was up with some very good Snapper, Mowong and Bream. Just a reminder that we are halfway through the calendar, with only four months to go to make sure you are in for a chance at some great prizes at the annual trophy night; and for most of us, just for the fun of it! Also a reminder that the pontoon is reserved each month for the Fishing Comp: just come in and tie up and be prepared to raft up with your fellow anglers – the more the merrier! If you are going to stay the night, please let the managers know for Club records and insurance purposes. See you next month with your best catches including the Fish of the Month – Bream and Tailor. May results summary: Boat Points: Maureen and Cameron “Just Us” Fish of the month: • Morwong – Emily De Bono “Reel Apeel” • Whiting a 3-way tie – Maureen, Cameron and Arthur • Mystery fish – Flathead – Col Barker “Elizabeth” Crew Trophy: Maureen Allery “Just Us” Col Barker Mobile: 0400 305 377 Fishing Captain “Elizabeth”
2016 cumulative leader board (Section top 6 only) Angler / catcher Vessel Points Fish Section Col Barker “Elizabeth” 55 Jason Ninnes “Lindel May” 55 Arthur Mobsby “ Alina” 29 Sam Neilson “Karma” 27 Silvia Allen “Lindel May” 26 Gary Skelton “ Kestral” 24 Crab/Squid Section Lachlan Roberts “Aquation” 18 Ashley Roberts “Aquation” 16 Jay Neilson “Karma” 14 Lyn Lopez “Beowolf” 10 Sophie “Restless Lady” 10 Mark Lopez “Beowolf” 8
Paul De Bono / Cameron Jones, Maureen Allery and Arthur Mobsby
Largest Species (Morwong/Whiting)
Largest Fish (month) (Flathead) Col Barker Largest Sandy Bill Morley Largest Muddy None weighed-in (May) Boat Points (month) “ Just Us”
Your first port of call is Millkraft … for all your boat repair and repaint needs . We can accommodate repairs and maintenance to timber and fibreglass vessels to a maximum of 30 metres. We have facilities to carry out refit, fit-outs, antifouling, painting a d repaints. Travel lift facilities are available as is our undercover work area at Shed 3/28 Wyuna Court, Hemmant. Peter Hardisty owns and operates Millkraft Boat Yard Pty Ltd. Peter has worked in the boatbuilding industry for over
LSC Fishing Club Sp May 2015 Edition
Mill Indu can a fibr faciliti re - pa
40 years since being apprenticed in 1970. If your boat needs some repairs or a repaint, call Peter on 0418 155 921 or 3893 2263 or email MILLKRAFT BOAT YARD PTY LTD is a proud sponsor of the LSC Fishing Club.
Peter Hardisty owns and operates Millkraft Boat Ya dustry for over 40 years since being apprenticed in 1 If your boat needs some repairs or a re - paint, don’t h
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
June 2016 eNews
TMR and MSQ news
NEW DAY MARKER TRIALS MSQ is trialling a new type of day shape made out of plastic at two locations in the Pumicestone Passage. Following a period of works, beacons and buoys marking the entrance to the river have been altered or reduced, and renumbered as per the chartlet and table at right. [NOTAM 279, 30/5/16] MSQ NOTAM SUMMARY Demolition of one of the old Hamilton wharves continues and maintenance works on the Bar Cutting beacons have led to a reduction in and renumbering of the number of channel markers (see map), and there’s an important navigational message for Sandhills visitors. • Brisbane River works Demolition works commenced on 9 May in the vicinity of Hamilton 1 wharf, approx. position, lat. 27° 26.51’S, long. 153° 04.12’E, involving shoreside, marine civil and diving operations; expected to continue until 2 July 2016 [NOTAM 253, 9/5/16] • Sandhills light replaced by beacon The Sandhills Sector light on Moreton Island, in position lat. 27°17.6075’S long. 153°24.0780’E has been replaced by a special beacon in position lat. 27°17.5709’S long. 153°23.8881’E with light characteristic Fl.Y.4s. [NOTAM 284, 2/6/16] • Reconfiguration of Bar Cutting beacons
NEW BRISBANE RIVER BAR CUTTING MARKERS Original Number New Number Light Characteristic BC1 BC1 Fl.G.4s. BC2 BC2 Fl.Y.4s. BC3 Withdrawn BC4 Withdrawn BC5 BC3 Fl.G.4s BC6 BC4 Fl.R.4s BC7 Withdrawn BC8 Withdrawn BC9 BC5 Fl.G.4s BC10 BC6 Fl.R.4s BC11 BC7 Fl.G.4s & Iso.Bu.2s BC12 BC8 Iso.R.4s & Q.Bu BC13 Withdrawn BC14 Withdrawn BC15 BC9 Fl.G.4s BC16 BC10 Iso.R.4s BC17 BC11 Fl.G.4s BC18 BC12 Fl.R.4s BC19 BC13 Fl.G.4s BC20 BC14 Fl.Y.2.5s BC21 BC15 Fl.Y.4s
June 2016 eNews
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
Business profile : GCCM
Gold Coast City Marina & Shipyard lays claim to be something of a global superstar, rivalled only by Jimmy Buffett (strong words for boaties!), and provided a warm welcome to the flotilla members of the LSChampagne Cruise. GCCM opened nearly 16 years ago after five years of planning and construction, as a purpose-built facility designed specifically to remove the pressure points of boating so boaties could enjoy a lot more boating and a lot less hassle. The gates opened to what was and still is the most comprehensive facility of its kind in Australia – indeed, in the Southern Hemisphere – featuring a world-class marina, dry storage and shipyard facilities, plus over 60 tenants employing over 500 marine-related contractors on the one site. Since 2000, GCCM has maintained, lifted, refitted, repaired and built more than 50,000 vessels, from jet-skis to super yachts. Marina Chief Trent Gay says GCCM’s ethos of continuing innovation is born of a desire to bring joy to boaties by working together to get boats back on the water faster. “It’s the bond that glues this team together” said Gay. “It’s part of the DNA of GCCM!” ‘We’re all boaties so we understand that every boatie’s boat is their happy place. We understand how hard people work to get a boat – and how hard they work to maintain a boat – so we want to see them get as much enjoyment out of their boat as possible. That definitely doesn’t mean more time than necessary on the hardstand or in a refit shed. That’s why GCCM was created and everyone here loves getting boats back out on the water where they belong and keeping them out there for as long as possible.
Trent said that “a lot of our customers rave about the facilities and equipment at GCCM, but what we also hear time and time again is that it takes far less time to complete work here than other marinas. That’s not simply because we have the most comprehensive offering in the indus- try, it’s also because our tradies are the best of the best and we all like working together to achieve the best result for our customers’. In 2014, the Gay Group Of Companies took sole ownership of the facility. Last year the newly consolidated team was pleased to achieve another raft of industry accolades including Best Marina & Boat- yard Facility and Superyacht Australia Business of the Year. “Pleased but never satisfied,” said Steve Sammes, Chief Operational Officer. “We have spent the last 24 months working hard behind the scenes on plans to take the level of convenience and customer service on offer to the boating industry to a whole new level.” ‘Yes it’s about upgrading and creating new facilities, but it’s also about creating the right team, the right culture and the most efficient processes to get boats back on the water faster and for longer than any other facility. That’s always been our number one goal but we have to keep focusing on our customers and raising the bar year in, year out,” added Sammes. Customer focus, collaboration and inno- vation are central to GCCM’s future plans. Whilst they are not quite ready to give it all away, here’s a hint to some of the newly improved services that will be offered: • Enhanced project management services “Our customers are telling us that they want the complete service from our team. We are able to offer Project Management
Services better than any other boatyard in Australia due to the combined experience of more than nine highly qualified Project Managers operating on site. We have a specialist for everything so we can provide tailor-made solutions no matter how large or small the project. And this is all done in a controlled environment so you know the work is of the highest possible standard, on time and on budget.” said Trent Gay. Other measures in hand include: • a new Pilot service for large vessels; • rallying at all levels of government to secure Port of Clearance facilities on the Gold Coast before the Commonwealth Games (and the bid for the 2019America’s Cup) to facilitate easier access for international vessels. • Working with BIA to make the Gold Coast Marine Precinct the hub for training and innovation in Australia • Proposals for future improvements and expansion of the current GCCM facilities, including the development of Stage 2 on its 20 hectare Beattie Road site are also underway. “The Gold Coast City Marina and Shipyard that you see today was realised by people who wanted – and who could envisage – better for all boaties, regardless of whether they were local or travelling from the other side of the ocean to get here, and regardless of whether they had a 10 foot tinnie or a 200 foot superyacht,” said Gay. “For the past two years we’ve been dreaming it all up again, and in 2016 we’re beginning the process of putting it all into action.” In 2013-14 GCCM won the Marine Industry Association Marina of the Year award, repeating the accolade in 2015- 2016. Thanks for hosting LSC cruisers!
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
June 2016 eNews
Bistro menu*
Bistro delights!
LUNCH: 12.00pm to 2.00pm (Wed–Sun) DINNER: 6.00pm to 8.00pm (Wed–Sat) v = vegetarian gf = gluten free BREADS Garlic bread v
Mouthwatering MEZZE PLATES
6.50 7.50
Cheesy garlic bread v OYSTERS ( Coffin Bay) 1/2 dozen Natural gf 1 dozen Natural gf 1/2 dozen Kilpatrick gf 1 dozen Kilpatrick gf
17.00 34.00 20.00 38.00
PRAWNS (served with seafood sauce & lemon) 500g Straddie King Prawns gf
25.00 35.00
1kg Straddie King Prawns gf
MAINS (served with salad and chips) Beef Burger 12.50 (with lettuce, tomato, beetroot, cheese, BBQ sauce) Chicken Schnitzel 14.50 Homemade Lasagne 16.00 Vegetarian Quiche v 15.00 250g Straddie King Prawns gf 17.00 Tempura Barramundi 17.00 Straddie Pork Sausages (with mash, caramelised onion and gravy) 17.50 Salt-and-pepper Calamari 19.00 Rump Steak (with gravy, pepper or mushroom sauce) 21.00 Rib Fillet (with gravy, pepper or mushroom sauce) 25.50
… blue bucketfuls of FRESH LOCAL PRAWNS
… and our famous HOME-MADE PIES!
SNACKS & SIDES Garden Salad v gf
6.50 6.50 6.50 7.50 8.50 9.50 9.50
Bowl of vegetables v gf
Bowl of Chips v
Bowl of wedges (with sour cream and sweet chilli) v
Tempura Calamari Rings (6)
Tempura Prawns (6)
Spring Rolls & Sweet Chilli Sauce (6) v DESSERTS Please see the daily specials board Coffee or Tea 2.00 Selection of Peters Ice Creams (from the main bar) Children’s menu MAINS (served with salad and chips) Chicken Nuggets (5) 5.00 Tempura Whiting Fillets (4) 9.50 120g Rib Fillet Steak 9.50 (*Menu subject to change, culinary whims and availability of items)
June 2016 eNews
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
Member profile
Like us on Facebook and check out our posts updating you with “What’s on at the Club.” • BAR OPEN Every day from 10am • BISTRO LUNCH Seven days a week* (*Light snacks menu Monday, Tuesday) • BISTRO DINNER Wednesday to Saturday • FUNCTIONS & EVENTS welcome • PRIVATE DINING bookings available • TOUR BUSES welcome • WEDDINGS & RECEPTIONS our speciality • FAMILY OCCASIONS for kids of all ages • BOOK OR ENQUIRE today: phone 3409 9022 Ron King has been a member since 1993 but he proudly proclaims “I was a seasoned drinker here for 10 years before that!” and is a firm believer in the notion “you never pick on a man for his religion or his drinking.” Naturally enough we caught up with him at the Destroyer Bar where you’ll find him every day except Thursday. Is it possible to find a better land-locked location to have a beer? “On Thursday the wife and I go to town”. On a Tuesday, when Ron really lays the ears back, he cleans the club bus, picks up his mates and brings them down to the club for lunch. His wife, though , knowing him well, comes to collect him at 2 pm. Ron lives on Rainbow Crescent and has done since he retired in 1999 after working at Gibson Island for 30 years. Apart from on the water taxi, you will do well to ever see Ron out on the water. Although he is a member of the fishing club, his “boat” is called “Land”. He has never weighed in but has managed to snare an encouragement award!. Something people won’t know about me… ”everyone knows everything about Ron” - given his lifestyle this is hardly surprising! What do I do when my favourite tipple (VB) is not available? …”I put on a turn”. Ron will under sufferance though, drink Crown lager. As you can see he’s a real character, so make yourself known to him when next at the club.
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7–9 Grant Street, Cleveland Q 4163 Phone: 07 3286 3522 Fax: 07 3286 2382 Email:
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
June 2016 eNews
News from the Gold Coast
LEGEND Dredging is planned to occur six days per week Monday to Saturday, between 7am and 5pm. No work will be undertaken on Sundays or public holidays. More information For further information, please contact GCWA: Phone: (07) 5539 7350 Email: Web: DREDGING ZONE DEPOSIT ZONE Between June and August 2016, the GCWA plans to undertake a $1.36 million program of maintenance dredging in the lower Coomera River channels and selected fairways in the northern Broadwater. The design and approvals steps of the program have been completed and the dredging contract is currently being negotiated. The program is one of 60 included in the 2015-2019 Gold Coast Waterways Management Program. About the project To improve the safe navigationof the Broadwater and Coomera River, maintenance dredging is to be undertaken to remove sediment above -4.5m lowest astronomical tide (LAT) in the Broadwater and -3.3m LAT in the Coomera River. What is maintenance dredging? Maintenance dredging is the removal of sediment from areas that have been dredged previously but require periodic works to maintain navigational access. Where will the extracted material be deposited? The extracted material will be deposited offshore from Surfers Paradise and South Stradbroke Island to assist natural processes in beach replenishment and minimise Removal of accumulated sediment in the Broadwater, Coomera River and adjacent waterways is essential to maintain safe and appropriately deep navigational channels, water flow for flood mitigation and sustain local industry such as the Coomera Marine Precinct. Benefits to the community • Safe navigation channel for commercial and recreational waterway users • Improved access to the Coomera Marine Precinct, harbours and marinas on the Coomera River • Increased flood mitigation by enabling a more efficient transfer of stormwater runoff • Improved waterway health through increased tidal flow Scheduling erosion of the foreshore. Why is this occurring?
June 2016 eNews
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
From the editor
Do we keep calling this monthly effort simply ‘the eNews’ or do we give this now established, professional-quality magazine a name – a proper masthead title? Over to you, the Members, to put your creative thinking caps on, for a chance to win 1,000 points if your title suggestion is chosen! Send your entries to: Cheers; it’s been a great ride! Matthew Tesch
What’s in a name, indeed? This edition of the LSC eNews is my 12th as volunteer editor and it’s customary for a christening to occur by about the first birthday. Looking back over the diverse range of initiatives, topics and content which has been trialled in these pages during the past year – everything from recipes to book reviews, trip reports to mystery photos, monthly photo contests to classified adverts, articles of boating interest to providing a digest of MSQ’s NOTAMs, and much, much more – I cannot help but be struck by the sheer diversity of all that content.
May 2015 Edition
• Sea-lift (boats to 60ft) • Chandlery • Boat storage • Slipway : mono/multi-hulls, houseboats & trimarans • Hardstand facilities, service area and refit sheds • Shipwrights and mechanical repairs
Join us on our FaceBook page
Phone: 07 3207 7506 Fax: 07 3207 9334 Email: Web: Redland City Marina is located at: 100 Beveridge Road, Thornlands Q 4154
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
June 2016 eNews
Timely tips on moorings
Member Jenny Morley submitted this timely reminder on the importance of secure moorings – and fittings. There has been an abundance of strong southeasters this season as well as some super northerlies and the odd wicked westerly. These strong winds not only impact on our enjoyment of Moreton Bay, but sadly have caused some owners a lot of grief when their vessels have either broken their moorings and ended up beached, or have been subjected to damage from a wayward vessel. We have seen many Facebook posts this season of boats being rescued and washed up on beaches. As a business we have had a number of customers come and see us to have repairs done to their vessel, and we thought it would be good to remind everyone of the importance of maintaining both their swing moorings as well as their bow fittings. There are many types of anchored swing moorings, but in Moreton Bay we generally have block and chain and seagrass friendly moorings. Over time and depending on the wave action, current and wind conditions, moorings and fittings can wear, deteriorate and stretch. Ideally you will have your mooring inspected by a professional on an annual basis and chains and parts replaced regularly. A couple of providers that we know work in Moreton Bay are Geoff Walsh from Malibu Moorings 0418 194 313 and Jody Waters from Waters Marine 5537 7721 – there are surely others. Another trap to be careful of is hooking up to an existing mooring that is not strong enough to take your boat.
The mooring may have been safe for a 10 metre boat, but if you come along with a 13 metre boat it may not take the extra weight. It’s also important, when you use the Club’s swing moorings, to be aware that Members must use the swing mooring that has been allocated to them, as each has an approved length limit -– 276 (15m), 277 (12m) and 279 (12m). But it is not always the lack of mooring maintenance that can result in vessels floating astray. We have repaired a number of boats where the bow fitting has ripped or torn out of the boat – and the mooring remained intact. Some bow fittings have sharp edges and can quickly wear away a rope, or are too small to take a chain, a deck may be soft and rotten under the top layer of paint, and some boats are not equipped to be kept on a swing mooring. If you are unsure as to whether the fittings on your boat are adequate, seek professional advice from a mooring contractor, or a professional boat builder or repairer, and next time you visit your boat don’t forget to carefully check the deck. But it’s not only boats on moorings that need to be checked: a number of boats were damaged in Manly Harbour Marina in the strong winds associated with Cyclone Yasi in January 2013 because lines were old and worn or poorly secured. You need to make sure lines are in good condition secured at the bow and stern with springs fore and aft made up to suit the boat.
Little Ships Club Members
Call your LSC member Scott Inglis
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June 2016 eNews
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
LSC BBQ area rules
NEW from 1st January 2016
The BBQ area is the covered structure equipped with both electric and gas hot plates, situated at the southern end of the LSC grounds. These facilities are available to both Members and non-Members by prior booking, and any impromptu arrangements will be at the discretion of the LSC Manager, subject to visitor traffic on the day. Non-exclusive arrangements Only Full Members have unrestricted use of the BBQ area at all times free of charge unless the area has been hired. Social Members and boating visitors may use the BBQ area on a non-exclusive basis for a fee of $25. Exclusive hire arrangements The BBQ area can be hired on an exclusive basis by both Members and non-Members. Only Full Members are eligible for the Members’ discount.
Trading as Towing and Marine Services Pty PILE DRIVING | PILE DRILLING | WHARF, J WHARF DEMOLITION | MARINE SALVAGE ABN: 80 141 395 771 Payment is to be made in full seven (7) days in advance. A cancellation fee of 15% will apply. All food prepared is to be consumed in the BBQ area only. Exclusive hire includes the following: 1. Area setup and preparation (tables and chairs) 2. Provision of crockery and cutlery 3. Cleaning of the BBQ area after use 4. Provision of cooking utensils if required (bond required) 5. Provision of tablecloths if required (at additional cost)
Bookings can be made by contacting the LSC Manager at or phoning the Club on 07 3409 9022.
Our available floating plant includes: • 3-in-1 Survey Work vessels – suitable for all marine works • Gosford 25m crane barge – suitable for pile-driving and salvage & demolition works • Todkill’s Barge 12m – suitable for piling works • 6 service barges
Contact us: Angie Todkill - Office: 07 3821 2227 Phillip Todkill - Director: 0407 156 577 25 Mainroyal Court, Raby Bay Email: Web:
Note: all our vessels/barges are in compliance with Marine Safety Certification in accordance with the National Standards for Commercial Vessels NSCV Code. Incorporated authority approved by MSQ through our Safety Management System.
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
June 2016 eNews
LSC Member prices Current from 1st July 2016
Membership Fees^
New Full Membership Fee (including Joining Fee) Full Member - Annual Membership Fee (Renewal) Senior Rate (Full Member Fee less 50% discount)* Associate Membership - Annual Membership Fee** Social Membership - Annual Membership Fee
$290.00 $215.00 $107.50 $30.00 $30.00 $65.00 $45.00 $22.00 $15.00 $40.00 $25.00 Price
Club Member items
Burgee – large (for vessels >13m LOA) Burgee – small / medium (vessels <13m LOA)
Club tie
Club T-shirt
Club Polo shirt (adult) Club Polo shirt (kids)
Stubby cooler
Club cap
Key-ring (floating)
Security Fob (Deposit) – Members***
$35.00 $55.00
Security Fob (Deposit) – Guests / Temporary Visitors (Refunded on return of token minus $15 Services Fee)
Please note: *You need to have been a member of the Club for 15 years or more and be aged 65 or over. **Associates must be attached to a Full or Senior Membership. *** Members Security Tokens are for Full, Senior & Associate Members’ use only. ^Pro-rata membership is available from time to time at the discretion of the LSC Board.
IMPRESSUM This eNews is published monthly by the Little Ship Club and produced by the volunteer efforts of LSC Members for the information of their fellow Members and interested visitors and advertisers. Any opinions expressed in the content of this and any other editions of the eNews are the personal views of the author/s or contributor/s and may not reflect the official views of the Little Ship Club. PO Box 10 (1 Yabby Street) Dunwich Qld 4183 Phone 07 3409 9022
eNEWS / WEBSITE CONTACTS ADVERTISING / BOOKING enquiries Tracey Watts / 0417 892 887 / EDITORIAL / DESIGN enquiries Matthew Tesch / 0406 777 077 / Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron) ABN 31 009 823 590
Have you done something out of the ordinary, or had a special encounter on Moreton Bay? Share with fellow Members a couple of hundred well-chosen words and some interesting photos – send an email to:
June 2016 eNews
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
LSC pontoon and moorings
From 1st January 2016
LITTLE SHIP CLUB PONTOON USE RULES Access to the Club Pontoons is at the discretion of the Board (or Delegate) of the Club. 1. Casual and overnight berthing is available to Members and Non-Members. A booking to use the pontoon can be made with the Manager and must be confirmed 24 hours prior to arrival. If confirmation is not received the booking will be cancelled. 2. Advance bookings may be made not more than seven (7) days prior to the required date of occupancy. Bookings are for a maximum of two nights only with a departure time of 1000 hrs (additional nights or late departure are at the discretion of the Manager and subject to demand). 3. The vessel must be berthed by 1600hrs otherwise the booking will be deemed cancelled. 4. In all circumstances, arrival and departure from the pontoon must be reported to the Club’s Manager either by phone or in person, to maximise usage. 5. Members’ vessels must display a LSC burgee at all times while in occupancy. of the pontoon/s. 6. A Mooring Fee* will apply to Non-Members which can be paid in advance or on arrival and is non-refundable. A waiver of mooring fees (in whole or in part) may be granted at the discretion of the Manager, given a compelling commercial reason. 7. If leaving the Club premises while berthed at the pontoon, Members and Non-Members must inform management and accept the Acknowledgement . 8. Non-Members will need to sign into the Club as required under Licensing Law. 9. All vessels must have as a minimum Third Party insurance cover. 10. Members and Non-Members using the pontoon do so at their own risk.
11. Mooring of the vessel must maximise access for other vessels. The Board (or delegate) will direct re-mooring at its discretion. 12. Children under the age of sixteen (16) years are not to be left on board a vessel or on the pontoon in the absence of a responsible adult. 13. No alcohol is to be brought onto Club premises during bar operating hours. 14. Water is to be used for refilling water tanks only. 15. Power usage is to be limited at times of high load. 16. Major vessel repairs are not permitted on the pontoon. 17. The pontoon purpose is for Member and Non-Member use of the Club facilities, not as a marina. Breaches of the rules may lead to the withdrawal of the visitor’s pontoon access rights. The Manager of the Club is delegated the authority to enforce these rules.
*Pontoon Mooring Fees per part day / day Large pontoon Side pontoon $50 for <10m LOA $25 for all vessels
$75 for 10-15m LOA $100 for >15m LOA
Acknowledgement by Members and non-Members At the direction of the Manager (or an authorised LSC representative), the person in charge of the vessel must be prepared to: • position or reposition the vessel, or allow management to position or reposition the vessel, at any point along the pontoon. • depart or relocate the vessel, or allow management to depart or relocate the vessel (applicable to both pontoons and moorings) in the event of adverse weather conditions or other emergency should it be required.
GUIDELINES FOR MEMBERS-ONLY USE OF LITTLE SHIP CLUB SWING MOORINGS Access to the Club swing moorings is at the discretion of the Board (or Delegate) of the Club. 1. Overnight mooring is available to Members only. A booking to use a swing mooring can be made with the Manager and must be confirmed 24 hours prior to arrival. If confirmation is not received the booking will be cancelled. 2. Advance bookings may be made not more than seven (7) days prior to the required date of occupancy. Bookings are for a maximum of two nights only with a departure time of 1000 hrs (additional nights or late departure are at the discretion of the Manager and subject to demand). 3. Members must be moored by 1600hrs otherwise the booking will be deemed cancelled. 4. In all circumstances, arrival and departure from the swing mooring must be reported to the Club’s Manager either by phone or in person, in order to maximise usage. 5. Members’ vessels must display a LSC burgee at all times while in occupancy of a swing mooring. 6. The Club has three swing moorings: 276 (15m), 277 (12m) and 279 (12m). Members must use the swing mooring that has been allocated to them. 7. If leaving the Club premises while mooring on a Club swing mooring, Members must inform management and accept the Acknowledgement . 8. Vessels must have as a minimum Third Party insurance cover. 9. Members using the swing moorings do so at their own risk. 10. No alcohol is to be brought onto Club premises during bar operating hours. Breaches of the rules may lead to the withdrawal of the Member’s swing mooring access rights. The Manager of the Club is delegated the authority to enforce these rules.
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
June 2016 eNews
Membership 2016-17 Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron) ABN 31 009 823 590 Club address: 1 Yabby Street, Dunwich Qld 4183 Postal address: PO Box 10, Dunwich Qld 4183 Phone 07 3409 9022 Email Note: even if you are renewing an existing membership, please complete all fields below to ensure we have your current details. If you are completing this form in hard copy, to scan/email or post, please print clearly. Date / / TEMP.form
LSC Member number (Renewals only)
This application is a NEW RENEWAL Membership MEMBER and VESSEL details Title Mr Mrs Ms Miss Other (please specify) First name Surname Address Suburb State
Date of birth / /
Associate Member name (if applicable) Other club memberships? (please list) Emergency contact name
Vessel name
Length (LOA) metres
Vessel type (tick)
Light power craft
Motor cruiser/yacht
Vessel insured by
Policy number
NOMINATION statements PROPOSER * name
Signature Date / / * I have been a Member of LSC for more than 12 months. The applicant is personally well-known to me and I recommend acceptance of this application for membership. SECONDER * name Signature Date / / * I have been a Member of LSC for more than 12 months. The applicant is personally well-known to me and I recommend acceptance of this application for membership.
MEMBERSHIP and OPTIONS prices Full Member Renewal (Annual)
Full Member New (including Joining Fee) Pro-rata Membership (Full Members ONLY) 2 $
Senior Member Renewal (50% discount) 1 $107.50
Associate Member (Annual) 3
Social Member (Annual)
Security Token deposit 4
Add if required
$30.00 (access pontoons, laundry, showers, and after-hours entry)
LSC Burgee (vessels <13m LOA)
(vessels >13m LOA)
PAYMENT methods We accept cash, personal cheque 5 , bank cheque 5 , money order 5 , EFT 6 or credit card 7 payments. In person @ LSC (this completed form must accompany your payment at the Club) By EFT 6 to BSB 484-799 Account 044932641 Little Ship Club Date EFT payment made / / By credit card 7 Visa
Mastercard I hereby authorise the total amount (above) to be charged to my nominated credit card.
Name on card Card number
Signature (if completing by hand)
Date / /
IMPORTANT – please note: 1
LSC Office use only Date paid ____ / ____ / ____ Updated info ____ / ____ / ____ Card issued ____ / ____ / ____
You need to have been a member of the Club for 15 years or more and be aged 65 or over. 2 Any pro-rata amount for FULL Memberships will be advised at the discretion of the LSC Board. 3 Associates must be attached to a Full or Senior Membership. 4 Members’ Security Tokens are for Full, Senior and Associate Members’ use only. 5 Cheques accepted subject to normal bank clearance processes; please make payable to “Little Ship Club Qld Squadron”. 6 In the transfer reference field, state [NEW surname] for new applications, or [member #### surname] if renewal. 7 Visa or Mastercard only, please, or EFTPOS at the bar. SUBMIT application This completed form must be returned, either:
Mailchimp checked _______________ Security Token number _______________ Processed by _______________ Date completed ____ / ____ / ____
• in person @ LSC, 1 Yabby Street, Dunwich • by post to LSC, PO Box 10, Dunwich Qld 4183 • by scan/email to
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