Commodore May provided us some brilliant boating weather with attendance at the Club on an upward spiral. Wonderful! Pontoons and swing moorings have been in high demand so please make sure you are conversant with Club policies on the booking arrangements for our much sought-after facilities. The month was also busy from a Board perspective with the Hon. Treasurer/Membership Director in concert with our Rear-Commodore working hard on the reshaping of our membership and renewal process. Suffice to say that the ‘proof of the pudding

I can advise that an objection has now been formally lodged on behalf of 11 major boating organisations and the Oyster Growers Association of Queensland. There is a long way to go with this process and the QRBC together with its membership will monitor progress. Southport Yacht Club celebrated its 70th birthday in May, and representatives called into the Club for dinner during their ‘Goodwill Cruise’ of Moreton Bay. The LSC was presented with an SYC burgee in recognition of SYC’s 70 years of boating. The burgee is currently being framed and will

is in the eating’ and I’m sure that Tracey has an informative update in this issue. Our managers have been hosting several functions which have kept all on their toes with visiting Clubs taking full advantage of the new direction our Club has taken. Also, the coffee machine has been serviced and repaired with Craig and Julie researching and sourcing desirable coffee products for our consumption. It won’t be long before we can kick back and have an

soon be on display in the club. I was honoured to receive the burgee and the gesture clearly demonstrates the high esteem in which the Club is held by our long- time friends. Last but not least the Champagne Cruise …What a great week! This was our first experience on this traditional trek, and we were blessed with the weather. Organisation was brilliant and I am pleased to say we

made many new friends. A big thankyou to David & Margaret Cameron for all their hard work to make the event so successful. Of course ‘no show without punch’ – our ‘Master- at-Arms’ Arthur Mobsby and ‘Deputy Sherriff Pam’ made sure that we were all significantly lighter in our pockets with the imposed fines …. even for doing the ‘right things’. Guess that’s about it for that overview: what happens on the cruise stays on the cruise! Roger J McDowall

enjoyable cappuccino while watching the sunset! You will all be aware that the Members’ Draw is now held on a Saturday with a view to ensuring that all Members have a greater opportunity to participate. We will, if all goes well, include the odd meat raffle which would be icing on the cake and add to the upbeat atmosphere. Introduction of entertainment on selected weekends has also been successful. The RQYS proposal for the water management of Deanbilla Bay is being extensively discussed at Queensland Recreational Boating Council meetings.

Great family fun day @ LSC Sat. 18th June : Sausage sizzle 1-2pm FREE for kids, PLUS TWO LIVE BANDS nonstop 2-7pm

FREE for kids under 12


Bands playing alternating sets nonstop 2pm–7pm!

Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)

June 2016 eNews


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