Managers’ report
We have had an exciting month full of functions and private events, big and small; it was delightful to see so many people here on Anzac Day soaking up the atmosphere and remembering those who sacrificed everything for us. We had the pleasure of having the Gold Coast Riviera Club join us for a dinner with a full house of 15 boats rafting against the pontoon and delivering us with a busy yet successful night of food, fun and laughter! The kitchen has been pumping a mile a minute and the compliments on the delicious food have been flowing in consistently along with the excitement everyone has about all our fresh and local produce … We would also like to apologise for any inconvenience caused due to our sudden shortage of staff and would like to announce that we are currently looking for another kitchen-hand to join our team of highly trained and professional staff to do the lunch shifts during the week and weekends. At some stage in the near-term future our intention is to bring back live music at least once a week, so on that note if you know any local or regional bands looking for a regular or occasional gig then forward them to us on 3409 9022 and we will discuss further information with them. That’s about all for now: time once again to focus on month-end stocktake and fixing up point-of-sales! Julz + Craig
All State Boat Licensing hires the Moreton Bay Room at the Club once a month for Boat and Jet Ski licensing on Straddie. (Last month, I overheard a couple of blokes completing their jet ski licences say “we have to come back here with our group, bring the jet skis over for the day…”) All attendees stayed for lunch and drinks. They bring all their own equipment and book the northwest end of the side pontoon. The room hire charge for the day is $50. Next course at the Club is Sunday 15th May; call All State on 0431 593 664 for more info or visit http://www. land/QLD_Boat_Licence_Brisbane
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• BAR OPEN Every day from 10am • BISTRO LUNCH Seven days a week* (*Light snacks menu Monday, Tuesday) • BISTRO DINNER Wednesday to Saturday • FUNCTIONS & EVENTS welcome • PRIVATE DINING bookings available • TOUR BUSES welcome • WEDDINGS & RECEPTIONS our speciality • FAMILY OCCASIONS for kids of all ages • BOOK OR ENQUIRE today: phone 3409 9022
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Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
May 2016 eNews
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