Crossed the Bar: Valé Dick Johnston

Just as this edition was closing, we received news of the peaceful passing, on Sunday 24th April at the great age of 93 years, of long- time LSC Member Dick (Richard) Johnston, former owner with his late wife Maggie (Margaret) of the Little Ship “Banyandah” . Dick was a Committee member and Life Member of the Fishing Section after joining the club in the 1960s, initially with the ketch “Mariner” ( “Banyandah” was launched in 1971). Despite becoming visually impaired and the loss of his beloved Maggie, for the last ten years of his life Dick continued to fish from “Banyandah”

Dick’s children – Craig Johnston, Garth Johnston, Zea Johnston, Sue Thomas, Amy (Lyn) Rawlings and Jan Benn – wrote to say they still have wonderful memories of the club, especially New Year’s Eve parties and fishing weekends – including some memorable ones trying to fish Deep Tempest in 25 knot southeasters! Dick’s funeral service will be held at Great Southern Memorial Park, 1774–1794 Mount Cotton Road, Carbrook, at 1300hrs on Friday 6th May 2016.

although not competitively, and reluctantly sold her to current members Brendon and Kate Rule in 2015

Deadline for the June eNews is CoB Wednesday 25th May 2016. The editor’s remarks have been held over, which might be just as well …

May 2015 Edition

• Sea-lift (boats to 60ft) • Chandlery • Boat storage • Slipway : mono/multi-hulls, houseboats & trimarans • Hardstand facilities, service area and refit sheds • Shipwrights and mechanical repairs

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Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)

May 2016 eNews


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