
All Board members have been busy this month, particularly in the areas of finance, membership, marketing and communications. Events have been a testing area with invitations being sent out to numerous Clubs and timely responses sought, not to mention the additional headaches of weather conditions for the events. Many sleepless nights were had but pleased to say that all has ended well. Thanks to our Managers and all Board members who assisted. As long-term Members will be aware HLM Bettyann Webster has carried out two important roles at the Club during the Commodore’s at Home and ANZAC Day commitments. Initial discussions with Bettyann indicated that this year she would again fulfil her normal role of ‘Keeper of the Ensign’ for the sail-past and also lead the LSC ANZAC group carrying the LSC plaque. Members’ FRIDAY NIGHT random draw now* $3,400

On medical advice, something not taken lightly, Bettyann decided to abstain from participating on the proviso that her positions be kept vacant for her next year. Rest assured that will be the case. Under my other ‘hat’ (House & Social), just a reminder that we have some special deals for Mother’s Day (Sunday 8th May) arranged, with some great package deals for visitors arriving by Flyer or by barge, and a return performance by the highly- acclaimed ‘Clampagne Strings’ trio. Talking of trios, the first ‘State of Origin’ match is on Wednesday 1st June and Members, guests and visitors are warmly welcome to watch the Maroons go 1-up on the big screen at our Club! I am sure that Tracey will pursue this topic with vigour but don’t forget Membership renewal time is fast approaching. Please continue your valued support. The recent incapacitation of our hard-working Rear-Commodore (and his Skipper!) has served as a timely reminder of how much work is concentrated in too few pairs of hands – and what happens (or what doesn’t happen) when one (or more) of those pairs of hands goes offline. More than ever, there is a need for more Members to become involved with the operation of our Club to assist the Flag Officers and Directors with their appointed portfolios. We need some dedicated Members to help lift some of the burdens in the following areas. This is not a big ‘ask’, people: we’re talking an average of one hour a week (4–6 hours each month) of phone and email time to pool resources, share expertise and lend a helping hand to our Club. If you are interested and would like to be involved in any of the following areas please contact the Commodore or myself. Gaye Morcombe jp (qual) Hon. Secretary Commodore 0422 880 294 Hon. Sec. 0413 843 081

1. House & Social Committee Consists of 4 members and chaired by the appointed Director. Plan and develop the Club’s social calendar, review menus, wine lists/ other beverages (in conjunction with Club managers), assist with social activities as required, and make recommendations to the Board. Do we have any volunteers? 2. Finance & Planning Chaired by the Hon. Treasurer and consists of 4 members. Review all aspects of Club financial operations to ensure the organisation remains viable and profitable into the future. Do we have any volunteers? 3. Grounds & Infrastructure Chaired by the Director (Works) and consists of 4 members. Responsible for arranging Working Bees and identifying maintaince requirements, and assisting where possible in the rectification of maintenance issues. Do we have any volunteers? 4. Membership Committee Chaired by Director (Membership) and consists of 4 members. Responsible for promoting and administering the membership of the Club. This is an important area and requires dedicated Members to undertake and support this aspect of club activity. Do we have any volunteers?

on Friday 6th May

*After draw on 29th April Amount jackpots by $50 each week if unclaimed on the night. Results reported in monthly LSC eNews are based on draw status on deadline, usually after the 3rd Friday of the month, and may change before or following eNews publication.


May 2016 eNews

Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)

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