
The new 2016-17 membership year is fast approaching and your Board has been giving very careful thought to the full range of Members’ prices and benefits to take effect from 1st July 2016. There will be adjustments made across the range to better reflect the true cost of the services provided to Members. More info to come with the membership renewal notices due to be posted out and/or emailed in the second half of May. Tracey Watts Director (Membership) The past month has been a very busy time for your Treasurer – in fact the club has officially become my second home! Julie and I have been locking ourselves away in the office for many a day coming to grips with the intricacies of our inventory and point-of-sale system. After completing a day’s training (thanks, Geoff from H&L!) we em- barked on an ambitious program of cleaning up the system. Our goal was to completely overhaul the inventory records in time to speed up our rather laborious and fiddly month-end stocktake processes. “All dressed up but unable to go” would probably capture my hors de combat attendance record this past month. It’s been a particularly rough year for my four-legged Skipper, with radiation treatment in February successfully bringing his hyperactive thyroid under control, only to be followed by several weeks of antibiotics for a bladder infection which he picked up while in radioactive confinement. No sooner had this been addressed than his right eye, which had been steadily losing vision for the past year, developed acute glaucoma and very dangerous levels of over-pressure. w

It was down to the wire but we did it! A few more jobs to do tidying up the till keyboard layouts and fine-tuning our prices but the bulk of the work is done. If anyone wants to know about stock groups, WET taxes, factors and PLUs, then Julie and I are the ones to see! With our clean inventory system, Julie is now looking to expand our drinks list, particularly the wine list so look out for an improved selection soon. Thank you to the various Member suggestions which have been extremely useful in the development of new offerings. Emergency surgery was needed for the complete removal of his eye, which took me offline for the week of the April Board meeting and the Commodore’s at Home events and sail-past. Barely a week later, it was my turn, with a dry hacking cough arriving late on the Thursday before ANZAC Day rapidly spiralling out of control into full- blown pnemonia; by Sunday morning I was in ICU, on IV antiobiotics and fluids, ECGs and chest x-rays. Greatly relieved to report that both invalids are now doing somewhat better. Matt Tesch Rear-Commodore


We are also confident the system clean up will make things run a little more smoothly in the kitchen which has been a particular issue when we’ve got busy. Our takings continue to comfortably out-perform on the same time last year so a big thank you to all our Members for your continued support of our little piece of paradise. Tracey Watts Director / Hon.Treasurer Mobile: 0417 892 887


New Member applications April FULL MEMBER VESSEL Phil Clark “Cristal” Mark Wallace “Key Largo”

David Morelli John Patrick Paul Stanyon

“Westwind II”


Brett Ballard Andrew Weekes

“The Black Pearl”

Alan Danson

“Mr Mac”


May 2016 eNews

Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)

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