LSC eNews August 2015
Animated publication
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron) ABN 31 009 823 590 1 Yabby Street Dunwich Qld 4183 Phone 07 3409 9022
Post: PO Box 10, Dunwich Qld 4183 Website: Newsletter: Little Ship Club August 2015 eNews
Canaipa green’n’gold
The green beacon at the tip of the bank astern of “Silhouette” provided a perfect backdrop for this inquisitive kookaburra’s visit; Commodore Lyle, in the spirit of propriety, has donated his 1,000 winner’s points to this month’s runner-up Barry Milward, who also takes out the ‘Spike Milligan award’ for his Goon Show-esque interpretation of the guidelines.
Important EPIRB battery safety information Interclub Bay Cruise 2015 update Dux’s 33rd birthday party … and much more!
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
August 2015 eNews
Lyle Watkins John Nelson
0419 704 382
Immediate-Past Commodore
Vice-Commodore Rear-Commodore Director / Secretary
Chris Goodhew David Cameron Roger McDowall Gaye Morcombe Tracey Watts Karen Davy Col Barker Richard Bax Paul Coleman HLM Pam Mobsby
0407 981 814 0418 881 059 0422 880 294 0413 843 081 0458 023 330 0400 305 377 0417 722 790 0422 652 440
“Midland Star”
“2c” “2c”
Director / Assistant Secretary
Director / Treasurer Director / Membership
“Speculari” “Silhouette” “Elizabeth” “Cabaret” “Restless”
Fishing Captain
Game Fish Captain
Sailing Captain
LSC photographer
Naval Liaison/Protocol Officer Allan Early QRBC Delegate
PC HLM Arthur Mobsby Bob & Dorothy Patterson
Club Managers 07 3409 9022
LSC eNews Editor
Matthew Tesch “Mistress”
0406 777 077
LSCalendar 2015-16
2015 SEP Father’s Day
For unique WEDDINGS, memorable
LSC Sun 6th
Inter-Club Bay Cruise Fishing Club weigh-in
Bay Sat 19th - Sat 26th LSC Fri 25th - Sun 27th
ANNIVERSARIES and other special OCCASIONS, think ‘‘Little Ships”
OCT Bubbles by the Bay
LSC Sat 3rd LSC Sat 10th LSC Sun 11th LSC Tue 3rd
Trophy Night
NOV Melbourne Cup
Seafood Festival
DEC Children’s Christmas Party
LSC Sat 12th Christmas Drinks with the Board LSC Sat 19th New Year’s Eve LSC Thu 31st
2016 JAN Jib & Awning Race
LSC Fri 1st LSC Tue 26th LSC Tue 26th LSC Sun 14th LSC Sat 26th LSC Sat 16th LSC Mon 25th LSC TBA
Constitution Cup Australia Day Game Fishing
FEB Valentine’s Day MAR Sunset Cocktails
APR Commodore’s at Home
Little Ship Club
Anzac Day
Champagne Cruise
Phone 3409 9022
MAY Mother’s Day
LSC Sun 8th LSC Sun 12th
JUN Jazz & Music Festival
August 2015 eNews
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
Commodore’s report
By the time you read this August edition of eNews all financial members should have received the Notice of 2015 AGM and Nomination Form to fill positions on the board. The Constitution states that notices may be sent by post or email as options. We have decided this year to send via email and post only to members who have not supplied an email address – about 10% of the membership. This is a considerable cost saving to the Club of some $350. This is my last opportunity to encourage members to consider accepting a nomination and/or self-
A momentary lapse of good judgement is all it takes to affect your good reputation and/or the Club’s. We do not need any reminders of the past: moving forward, united we stand. On Sunday 16th August, Karen and I attended the 33rd birthday of the Southport Yacht Club’s facilities at Dux on South Stradbroke Island. Secretary Roger and Gaye, together with several other LSC members, also attended the bash (see the photos on p.9). Fantastic band, a packed venue, and just plain good fun. Thank you to SYC for the great
nominating for a Board position. Nominations close Friday 11th September, 2015. Please call me to discuss your ability to contribute a small effort and make a big difference for at least one term on the Board. The LSC Board will always require new blood to continue our forward direction. A new Honorary Treasurer has now been appointed and we look forward to her taking up her position next month and continuing for the next term to October 2016.
hospitality. Some of their members we spoke with will be heading up our way in the near future and we look forward to returning the warm welcome. Dux managers Mark and Lyn Lopez (also LSC Members) really had the grounds looking great – with some help from the local wallabies (aka Suzie and Wilbur). The ‘red beacon episode’ is now, hopefully, at an end.
After its relocation earlier this year, a report was forwarded to the relevant authorities which resulted in the beacon being moved again, on Tuesday 18th August. Hopefully in the right direction this time. Don’t forget to mark the dates for Trophy Night (details of the nights’ events due soon) and AGM: Trophy Night for LSC Club and Sections (Fishing / Game Fish /Sailing) on Saturday 10th October. LSC AGM Sunday 11th October. Fly your burgee with pride.
The Financial Reports are almost complete and once collated will be distributed in the same manner as above. There has been a couple of unfortunate disruptions at the Club in recent months and I would like to strongly remind all members and their guests that we are a licenced premise and as such are governed by the Office of Liquor & Gaming and government regulations. Please obey any instructions from Board members, and from the Managers or staff in charge so as not to put their positions or the Club at risk.
Lyle Watkins Commodore
Tuesday 18th August 2015
Friday 31st July 2015
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
August 2015 eNews
Well, it is now less than two months until the AGM which will be held on Sunday 11th October. Trophy night will be held on Saturday 10th October at the Club and I ask that the Fishing, Game Fishing, and Sailing sections of the club make sure that the respective trophies are suitably in- scribed and ready for presentation on that night Look forward to seeing as many of you as possible for these two events. David Cameron Rear-Commodore
Membership report
Another busy month processing renewals. However, at eNews deadline there were still 94 Full Members and 5 Seniors who have not renewed or have not advised me if they do not intend to renew at this time. The Membership Committee will continue to communicate with lapsed members in the hope of retaining their valued support. So far we have had very few resignations and mostly because they have sold their boats. We extend a warm welcome to the following new full members: Paul Gray “Deckadance” Graeme Campbell “Mischief” Michael Graham “Tom-Kat” Shawn Ket “Replay” Fraser Spencer “Scotia” Dave Auger “04Fish” Social Member upgraded to Full: Brendon Rule “Banyandah” Ivan Smyth-Kirk “DCA” Welcome back to the following past member: Rod Cooke “RDO” Important Membership notice: If you have not renewed your Membership by 31st August 2015 your membership is deemed as ‘lapsed’. In accordance with the Constitution please be advised that there is a final 30 days’ grace period to 30th September, 2015 after which time your membership shall be marked as ‘expired’ and Club notices will no longer be sent.
Also, you would not be eligible to vote or attend the upcoming AGM. It would be a tremendous help if lapsed members who do not wish to renew could notify me so I can take the appropriate action to update your membership status as ‘resigned’ rather than ‘lapsed or expired’. To remain a valued member and stay on our mailing list, please use the renewal form on p.16 in this eNews, or email me to receive a PDF form which you can complete online. Remember, your 30/06/2015 dated card is not valid after 30 June. You will not receive your Member’s discount at the bar, nor accrue or redeem loyalty points on your purchases from 1st July until your renewal is received, processed and new card issued. Karen Davy 0458 023 330 Board Member / Membership
Members’ FRIDAY NIGHT random draw now*
$1,700 on 28th August
*After draw on 21st August. Amount jackpots by $50 each week if unclaimed on the night. Results reported in monthly LSC eNews are based
on draw status on deadline, usually after the 3rd Friday of the month, and may change before or following eNews publication.
August 2015 eNews
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
Monthly photo entries
A great response received for this month’s cover photo competition, with the eclectic spread of contributions adopting a range of interpretations of the guidelines, from the very literal to the rather alternative. Your eNews editor was quite taken with Barry Milward’s work (main picture here).
Optimistically titled “3 hours north of the fairway buoy” – and nary a navigation mark in sight save for the name of the image file – the pic was this month’s front-runner … until the Commodore’s kookaburra landed and took out the bonus ‘cute wildlife commendation’. Barry is delighted to accept Lyle’s 1,000 winner’s points as well as the ‘Spike Milligan award’ for most creative interpretation of a brief. An ‘Honourable Mention’ to Krystle Davy for putting her feet up (left) with one of the Lazaret reds in the distance.
INTER-CLUB BAY CRUISE : 19-26 September
The Interclub Bay Cruise promises to be a sensational week of fun, sun and friendship – and 2015 marks the 40th cruise of this Bay-wide event! Anton Prange, Vice-Commordore of the Interclub Bay Cruise Committee 2015 reports:
Deadline for registration is Friday 4th September. For more details please visit: This year’s itinerary can be found on the ICBC site at:!2015-itinerary/c1nne For all enquiries please send an email to Anton at:
“We are having a great response to the event. So far we’ve got Rummin Bear, Migaloo and RDO onboard from Little Ship Club but I’m sure there will be plenty more to follow.” The Interclub Bay Cruise committee warmly welcomes all Little Ship Club members to join us for the cruise and show your club colours with pride.
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
August 2015 eNews
Managers’ report
Bistro news With the warmer months coming, we are updating our menu, so come ashore – or drop in – and try our new additions: T-bone steaks, Chicken Parmigiana, chicken wraps, chicken honey-and-soy skewers, pasta dishes and the always-popular pie with chips and gravy. We are also compiling a gluten-free menu and a new Kids’ Menu.
Pontoon bookings Please make pontoon and mooring bookings by phone, not email, between 10am and 5pm daily. Call ahead on 3409 9022 to arrange your booking with Bob or myself or one of the friendly staff. (A reminder that boat rubbish needs to be placed in the industrial bin at the side of the club beside VMR, not in the bins in our grounds!) Members’ cards Please note that Members’ cards are for the exclusive use of the financial Member whose name is on the card and cannot be used by the Member’s family or guests. Friday night Members’ random draw Drawn every Friday night after the raffles are drawn. If not claimed increases by $50 each week until claimed and then restarts at $500 again. You must be at the club on the night and a current financial Member. On Friday 21st August, Member # 3713 (Peter Jamieson) was not present, so the jackpot now stands at $1,700 for the draw on Friday 28th. Dorothy and Bob Patterson Managers, LSC
Like us on Facebook and check out our posts updating you with “What’s On at the Club.”
• BAR OPEN Every day from 10am • BISTRO LUNCH Wednesday to Sunday • BISTRO DINNER Wednesday to Saturday • FUNCTIONS welcome • PRIVATE DINING bookings • TOUR BUSES welcome • WEDDINGS our speciality • FAMILY EVENTS for kids of all ages • BOOK OR ENQUIRE today: phone 3409 9022
August 2015 eNews
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
Doors open at 10 A.M. $5 per person. Kids under 1
Father’s Day special!
Make his day special this year – bring the whole family and come celebrate it at LSC on Sunday 6th September. Special Dad’s Day menu, including either a pot of beer or glass of red wine for Dad, wth lunch served between 12noon and 2pm. Bookings essential to secure your family table – call the Club on 3409 9022 or book at the bar. Father’s Day menu
STARTERS Garlic bread
$ 6.50 $ 7.50 $ 6.50
• SPECTACULAR Waterside Location • IDEAL Function Location • PERFECT Setting for Families • SENSATIONAL Entertainment Venue
Cheesy garlic bread
Bowl of chips Natural oysters Natural oysters Plate of prawns
$17.00 1/2 doz $30.00 1 doz $20.00 500g
BISTRO MENU: Wednesday Dinner - Parmy Night
MAINS Prices include a pot of beer or glass of red wine for Dad! Served with chips Chicken wrap $13.50 Steak burger with the lot $20.00 Bacon, egg, pineapple & onion Served with chips and salad Battered fish $19.00 Chicken Parmigiana $19.00 Tempura prawns (5) $23.00 Seafood basket on a plate $23.50 Rib fillet 300g with sauce $25.50 Gravy, pepper or mushroom DESSERT Mocha cheesecake $ 7.50 With whipped cream Caramel cheesecake $ 7.50 With whipped cream CHILDREN’S MAINS
Thursday Dinner -Pasta Night STANDARD BISTRO MENU available Wednesday to Sunday Lunch Just the place to catch up with Old Friends! IS THIS THE MOST SPECTACULAR LOCATION ON THE EAST COAST? FRIENDLY BAR SERVICES!
Battered fish and chips $ 9.50 Chicken nuggets and chips $ 9.50 Ham and pineapple pizza $ 9.50 Fillet steak 120g and chips $ 9.50 CHILDREN’S DESSERTS Icy Poles $ 1.10 Fandangles $ 1.60 Lifesavers $ 2.00 Dixie Cups $ 2.30 Spongebob confection $ 2.60 Milo scoop shake $ 2.85
Club hours: From 10am daily Monday – Sunday Bistro Hours: Monday and Tuesday Closed; Wednesday – Saturday Lunch 12 noon - 2 pm; Dinner 6pm - 8pm; Sunday – Lunch only 12noon – 2pm
is NOT ACCEPTABLE on Our Bay Islands
An initiative of the Bay Islands Chamber of Commerce B I T F B ay I slander T he F rIendly AN INITIATIVEOFTHE
WEEKLY MEMBERS DRAW 7.30pm (members must be present to collect). PLAY GROUND and LARGE LAWN AREA for children.
FUNCTION ROOMS and BBQ AREA available for hire. IDEAL for Weddings, Birthdays and Special Occasions.
One Mile, Dunwich, North Stradbroke Island PH: 3409 9022
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
August 2015 eNews
Fishing Club A very quiet midwinter get-together in July, and only a small weigh-in took place, with some Members away. No raffles or sausage sizzle in the circumstances, so no monies were banked. Col Barker Fishing Captain “Elizabeth” 0400 305 377 July results Boat points Gary Skelton “Kestrel” Largest snapper Jason Ninnes “Lindel May” Largest bream ‘Wizard’ Dickson “Augusta Marie” The Fishing Section AGM was held at 11am on Sunday 16th August before the weigh-in.
Become a member of the Little Ship Fishing Club: it’s a great opportunity to join in the fun and meet fellow LSC Club members in a very informal family atmosphere. Adults and kids of all ages are always welcome. Great prizes awarded at the Annual Trophy Night in October – make it a date on Saturday 10th! Please note: Entry and participation in the Little Ship Fishing Club is at the skipper’s discretion. Weather may prevent the event from being held on the date/s advertised. Please call Col to confirm. The August competition was held on the weekend 14th – 16th, with tailor and cod as fish of the month. August results Boat points Greg Sermon “Baby Girl” Fish of the month Tailor Col Barker “Elizabeth” Cod Not claimed Largest crab Sandie Hamish Lewis “Restless Lady” Muddie Paul Debono “Galleon” Raffle 1st Mathew Williams 2nd Garry Skelton 3rd Bill Morley
Your first port of call is Millkraft … for all your boat repair and repaint needs . We can accommodate repairs and maintenance to timber and fibreglass vessels to a maximum of 30 metres. We have facilities to carry out refit, fit-outs, antifouling, painting a d repaints. Travel lift facilities are available as is our undercover work area at Shed 3/28 Wyuna Court, Hemmant. Peter Hardisty owns and operates Millkraft Boat Yard Pty Ltd. Peter has worked in the boatbuilding industry for over
LSC Fishing Club Spo May 2015 Edition
Millkra Industr can acc fibregl facilities re-paint
40 years since being apprenticed in 1970. If your boat needs some repairs or a repaint, call Peter on 0418 155 921 or 3893 2263 or email MILLKRAFT BOAT YARD PTY LTD is a proud sponsor of the LSC Fishing Club.
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron) Peter Hardisty owns and operates Millkraft Boat Yard dustry for over 40 years since being apprenticed in 1970 If your boat needs some repairs or a re-paint, don’t hesi
August 2015 eNews
Dux’s happy birthday!
Southport Yacht Club welcomed LSC Members to the 33rd birthday of the Dux facility on Sunday 16th August.(It was more like a family reunion as LSC Members Mark and Lyn Lopez have been on-site managers at Dux since September 2014!) The LSC was represented by Commodore Lyle Watkins, Secretary Roger McDowall, Directors Karen Davy and Gaye Morcombe and several LSC member vessels. Whilst the weather was a little showery to begin, it soon cleared up and when the band started the party really got going. Ferry transfer from Main Beach brought about 250 partygoers to join the crews of around 60 boats anchored out front. Some of the SYC members dressed up in the spirit of the day’s celebrations. The Annual Dux Tug- o-War was held, with the Sail group beating the Power group to win the coveted Dux Award. SYC Commodore Phil Short welcomed attendees and everyone enjoyed birthday cake and a glass of bubbles to celebrate. A great day, great music and great company. Thank-you to everyone at SYC!
Have you done something out of the ordinary, or had a special encounter on Moreton Bay? Share with fellow Members a couple of hundred well-chosen words and some interesting photos – send an email to:
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
August 2015 eNews
May 2015 Edition
Email: LSCalendar events Gaye Morcombe, LSC Director of Functions and Entertainment, has two special dates for your diary! We’re taking bookings now – get in early and call us on 3409 9022.
Brisbane Ship Lifts
Address: 65 Tonne Precinct 28 Wyuna Court, Hemmant QLD 4174 / P 61 (7) 3893 2176 / F 61 (7) 3893 2144 Postal: PO Box 7013, Hemmant QLD 4174 Melbourne Cup Luncheon Tuesday 3rd November 2015 • Bar opens 10am, lunch / nibbles from 12 noon • Watch the race that stops the nation on our big screen • Free glass of sparkling wine or pot of beer • Prizes for Best-Dressed and Best Hat • 3-course luncheon • Sweeps BRISBANE SHIP LIFTS & BOATYARD 28 Wyuna Court, Hemmant Q 4174 Centrally located for your convenience, straddle lifters, boatyard & services for vessels up to 600 tonnes, 3 travel lifters/straddle carriers: 65 tonne; 300 tonne to 13.5m Hardstand: Over 2 ha available for short, medium & long term stays All necessary services available including power & water Services: Internationally recognised craftsmen & businesses Services include, shipwrights, painters, repairs, refits, fitout businesses, engine A pick - up and delivery service is available Location: Aquarium Passage/Brisbane River In the heart of the Australian Trade Coast Only 5kms upstream from the Port of Brisbane 20 minutes drive to the City BOOK NO
Saturday 3rd October 2015 • 1.30pm to 4.30pm • Live band • Grazing meat platter for two • Cheese platter for two • Dips, dips and dukka for two • Your choice of 3 sparkling wines at the bar Bubbles by the Bay
Come and enjoy an afternoon at our special little corner of the Bay!
Little Ships Club Members
Call your LSC member Scott Inglis
Independently owned & operated We stock all major brands of Wheels & Tyres
93-95 Redland Bay Road, Capalaba
August 2015 eNews
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
From the editor The Bay turned on an absolute pearler of a day for the visit by our new website developer at the end of July and the Club was at its very best – from the immaculate grounds to the warm welcome at the bar and bistro – congratulations to all concerned for all the hard work ‘behind the scenes’ which makes the visitor experience so pleasant. We truly are blessed with our beautful little corner of the Bay. Lots of activity ramping up, with Spring in the air and the Interclub Bay Cruise (September) and our AGM (October) just around the corner, with a number of events planned for October/November. Deadlines for the September edition are Friday 16th (advertising review and bookings – to Karen) and Friday 23rd (photos, reports, stories and news – to me, please). My work commitments will be pressing tight in the next six weeks, so there may be some variation in the timing and content of the release of the September eNews. Please continue to get in touch with your ideas, stories, news and contributions – email me at
• Sea-lift (boats to 60ft) • Chandlery • Boat storage • Slipway : mono/multi-hulls, houseboats & trimarans • Hardstand facilities, service area and refit sheds • Shipwrights and mechanical repairs Membership Handbook – help needed We would like to produce a Membership Handbook to provide prospective and new Members important information about the benefits of becoming an LSC Member and the provision and use of our Club and boating facilities. I would like to ask any interested Members for their thoughts about and assistance in the creation of this handbook. All help greatly appreciated. Karen Davy May 2015 Edition Update on the LSC website Work is well underway in the background, and the first draft of the new-look site and proposed home page is scheduled to be presented to the Board at the next meeting in September. Among the site’s new features will be an enhanced events calendar and easier access for functions enquiries and bookings. As well, eNews advertisers will also be able to ‘cross-platform’ with the planned new online Member Services Directory. What features and information do you, our Members, believe the new website should include? Do we also, for example, reinstate the ‘Boat Log’ list of vessel names and Member’s first and last names? Please call or email Karen Davy or Matthew Tesch (details on pp.2 and 4 of this edition) by 31st August. Cheers until next month, then. Matthew Tesch
Join us on our FaceBook page
Phone: 07 3207 7506 Fax: 07 3207 9334 Email: Web: Redland City Marina is located at: 100 Beveridge Road, Thornlands Q 4154
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
August 2015 eNews
Your image could be on the front cover of the September eNews – PLUS 1,000 points credited to your Member account to spend at the Club on your next visit!
Theme for this month: “Pets afloat”
Simple conditions of entry: 1. Open to LSC Members only; entries must be your own original work or that of an immediate family member. 2. Entries must be of suitable resolution / file size to allow good reproduction at front cover size and must address the theme nominated for the month. 3. Each Member may submit up to 3 images per month, with a maximum file size of 2MB (single image or total email). 4. The eNews Editor’s sole decision about the winning entry will be final and neither inducements at the bar nor any other form of correspondence will be entered into. 5. Winner’s points will be advised by the Membership Director separately on publication of the next eNews. 6. Winning entry title and photographer’s name will be shown on the cover image; if space permits in the next edition, a selection of shortlisted entries will also be published. Entries close Wednesday 23rd September 2015 Email:
MOBILE PROPSPEED Gain speed and save fuel. Call Luke Steele: 0408 692 124 Silicone Treatment Authorised Applicator
August 2015 eNews
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
Safety notice
20 th August, 2015
Warning - Unauthorised Battery replacements on EPIRBs
Periodic battery replacement is essential to maintaining the compliance of EPIRBS and PLBs beacons with applicable ANZ standards. These standards are produced in order to maximise the likelihood of the beacon functioning correctly in the adverse environments in which distress and emergencies generally arise. Only the manufacturer or its authorised service centre has the necessary equipment, access to the factory approved parts and technical information to carry out battery replacement or repairs and then confirm that the beacon continues to meet the relevant standard. Serious risks arise if batteries are replaced or repairs to beacons are undertaken by someone other than the manufacturer (or its authorised service centres). In recent weeks it has come to our attention that a number of non-certified beacon service centres are offering a low cost EPIRB and PLB battery replacement service. Whilst such offers and operations are not technically breaking the law in replacing beacon batteries, they are certainly exposing themselves for liability particularly if the beacon owner is unaware they are non-compliant and the beacon may not function correctly in an emergency. Australian/New Zealand standard 4280.1 (EPIRB) and 4280.2 (PLB) mandate that beacons must be returned to the manufacturer or a manufacturer’s approved service centre when repairs or battery replacement are required. This standard document is available from Furthermore, if a beacon is required to meet carriage requirements under CASA or Maritime regulations the standard requires the beacon must be compliant with AS/NZ 4280.1 for EPIRBs or 4280.2 for PLBs. Consequently if the beacon battery was replaced or serviced by a non-certified service centre then the beacon is non-compliant for mandatory carriage requirements in Australia. The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) has provided further clarification and guidance on beacon maintenance. Should there be any doubt regarding the status of companies offering battery service on GME EPIRBs, please contact us directly on 1300 462 462 or by email at
The GME Team.
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
August 2015 eNews
LSC Member prices Current as at 1st June 2015
Membership Fees^
New Full Membership Fee (including Joining Fee) Full Member - Annual Membership Fee (Renewal) Senior Rate (Full Member Fee less 50% discount)* Associate Membership - Annual Membership Fee** Social Membership - Annual Membership Fee
$260.00 $210.00 $105.00 $20.00 $20.00 $55.00 $45.00 $20.00 $12.50 $39.50 $34.50 $23.00 Price
Club Member items
Burgee – large (for vessels >13m LOA) Burgee – small / medium (vessels <13m LOA)
Club tie
Club T-shirt
Club Polo shirt (adult) ($5.00 Member’s discount)
Club Polo shirt (kids)
Stubby cooler
Club cap
Key-ring (floating)
Security Token (Deposit) – Members***
$30.00 $50.00
Security Token (Deposit) – Guests / Temporary Visitors (Refunded on return of token minus $10 Services Fee)
Please note: *You need to have been a member of the Club for 15 years or more and be aged 65 or over. **Associates must be attached to a Full or Senior Membership. *** Members Security Tokens are for Full, Senior & Associate Members’ use only. ^Pro-rata membership is available from time to time at the discretion of the LSC Board.
2015-16 MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS NOW PAST DUE – You will be deemed as worse than ‘lapsed’ if you haven’t contacted Karen Davy on 0458 023 330 or email before Monday 31st August!
IMPRESSUM This eNews is published monthly by the Little Ship Club and produced by the volunteer efforts of LSC Members for the information of their fellow Members and interested visitors and advertisers. Any opinions expressed in the content of this and any other editions of the eNews are the personal views of the author/s or contributor/s and may not reflect the official views of the Little Ship Club.
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron) ABN 31 009 823 590 PO Box 10 (1 Yabby Street) Dunwich Qld 4183 Phone 07 3409 9022 ADVERTISING / MEMBERSHIP enquiries Karen Davy / 0458 023 330 / EDITORIAL / DESIGN enquiries Matthew Tesch / 0406 777 077 /
August 2015 eNews
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
LSC pontoon and moorings
LITTLE SHIP CLUB PONTOON USE RULES Access to a Pontoon is subject to the rules put in place by the Board of the Little Ship Club (Club) at the time, seeking to maximise the use of the pontoon to meet the objects of the Club. Access to the Club pontoons is not a Constitutional right of any Visitor, or visiting Member and is at the discretion of the Board (or Delegate) of the Club. If requested by the Manager the Visitor must sign a formal agreement to access the pontoon. A booking must be made with the Manager to use the pontoon and confirmed 24 hours prior to arrival. Failure to confirm will result in automatic cancellation. Casual and overnight berthing are available; both forms of use are subject to the following rules: • Advance bookings are for one night only (additional nights are at the discretion of the Manager). • After berthing, in all circumstances, visitors must report arrival to the club’s Manager. • If leaving the premises the Visitor must inform management and accept the Acknowledgement** at right. • Complimentary use of the pontoon is STRICTLY for current Full financial visiting Members of the Club. • A Mooring Fee* will apply to all non-Member visitors. Any fees are to be paid in advance or upon arrival and are non-refundable. • Vessels must have insurance (Third Party minimum) and provide a copy of the currency certificate to the Manager. • Visitors using the pontoon must be prepared to raft with other vessels. • Visitor Members must display an LSC burgee while in occupancy of the pontoons at all times. • Visitors using the pontoon do so at their own risk. • Mooring of the Visitor vessel must maximise access for other vessels. • Other users of the pontoon are to be treated with courtesy and respect. • Children will be supervised at all times and no animals are permitted on the pontoon or grounds. • Visitors will sign in as required under Licensing Law. • Noise is to be kept to a minimum. • No alcohol is to be brought onto Club premises. • Tenders are to be tied on the landside of the pontoon (maximum one per Visitor vessel). • Water to be used for domestic purposes only. • No major vessel repairs may be undertaken on the pontoon. • The pontoon purpose is for the Visitors to use the Club, not as a marina for boat storage/provisioning. Breaches of the rules may lead to withdrawal of a Visitor/ Visitor Member’s pontoon access rights.
*Pontoon Mooring Fees per part day / day Large pontoon Side pontoon $50 for <10m LOA $25 for all vessels
$75 for 10-15m LOA $100 for >15m LOA
These fees are applied at the discretion of the Manager; being Duly Delegated by the Board. **Acknowledgement by the Visitor At the direction of the Manager (or an authorised representative), the Visitor in charge of the vessel must be prepared to: • Position and/or reposition the vessel, or allow management to position and/or reposition the vessel at any point along the pontoon. • Depart the pontoon prior to 1000 hrs on the day following arrival. • Allow smaller vessels to ‘raft up’ to the vessel, provided they have adequate fenders/lines, or raft up larger vessels at times of high demand. • Limit power usage at times of high load. • Depart or relocate the vessel in the event of storm or adverse weather conditions. The Manager of the Club is delegated the authority to enforce these rules and rules may be amended at the absolute discretion of the Board and Management of the Club from time to time. GUIDELINES FOR FULL MEMBERS’ USE OF LITTLE SHIP CLUB SWING MOORINGS 1. Use of moorings is STRICTLY for current Full financial Members of the LSC. 2. Members using the moorings must display the club’s burgee. 3. Bookings of moorings are required and vessels that have booked must be on the mooring by 1300 hrs on the day of the booking. 4. Failure to tie up by that time means that the mooring is vacant and then it is on a first come first served basis. In other words it is declared vacant after 1300 hrs. However after tying up, in all circumstances Members must report their presence to the club’s Manager. 5. Members arriving before 1300 hrs and seeing a vacant mooring need to check with the Manager to ascertain if it is free. 6. Bookings can be made for a maximum of 2 nights and must be confirmed by contacting the Manager 24 hours before the date required. Failure to confirm the booking means that the booking is cancelled and the mooring is open for use by other members. 7. Members using the mooring must vacate by 1200 hrs unless booked for use on that day.
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
August 2015 eNews
Membership 2015-16 Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron) ABN 31 009 823 590 Club address: 1 Yabby Street, Dunwich Qld 4183 Postal address: PO Box 10, Dunwich Qld 4183 Phone 07 3409 9022 Email Note: even if you are renewing an existing membership, please complete all fields below to ensure we have your current details. If you are completing this form in hard copy, to scan/email or post, please print clearly.
This application is a NEW RENEWAL Membership Date / / Renewals only: LSC Member number MEMBER and VESSEL details Title Mr Mrs Ms Miss Other (please specify)
First name
Date of birth / /
Associate Member name (if applicable)
Other club memberships? (please list)
Emergency contact name
Vessel name
Length (LOA) metres
Vessel type (tick)
Light power craft
Motor cruiser/yacht
Vessel insured by
Policy number
MEMBERSHIP and OPTIONS prices Full Member Renewal (Annual)
Full Member New (including Joining Fee) Pro-rata Membership (Full Members ONLY) 2 $
Senior Member Renewal (50% discount) 1 $105.00
Associate Member (Annual) 3
Social Member (Annual)
Security Token deposit 4
Add if required
$30.00 (to access pontoons, laundry, showers, and after-hours front door entry)
LSC Burgee
$45.00 (vessels <13m LOA) $55.00 (vessels >13m LOA)
TOTAL AMOUNT $ PAYMENT methods We accept cash, personal cheque 5 , bank cheque 5 , money order 5 , EFT 6 or credit card 7 payments. In person @ LSC (this completed form must accompany your payment at the Club)
By EFT 6 to BSB 484-799 Account 044932641 Little Ship Club
Date EFT payment made / /
By credit card 7
Mastercard I hereby authorise the total amount (above) to be charged to my nominated credit card.
Name on card Card number
Signature (if completing by hand)
Date / /
IMPORTANT – please note: 1
You need to have been a member of the Club for 15 years or more and be aged 65 or over. 2 Any pro-rata amount for FULL Memberships will be advised at the discretion of the LSC Board. 3 Associates must be attached to a Full or Senior Membership. 4 Members’ Security Tokens are for Full, Senior and Associate Members’ use only. 5 Cheques accepted subject to normal bank clearance processes; please make payable to “Little Ship Club Qld Squadron”. 6 In the transfer reference field, state [NEW surname] for new applications, or [member #### surname] if renewal. 7 Visa or Mastercard only, please, or EFTPOS at the bar. SUBMIT application This completed form must be returned, either: • in person @ LSC, 1 Yabby Street, Dunwich • by post to LSC, PO Box 10, Dunwich Qld 4183 • by scan/email to • online* click the green ‘submit now’ button (Note: ‘Save As’ the PDF* to retain a file copy) (*Available only on the interactive PDF form) CLEAR FORM SUBMIT FORM
LSC Office use only Date paid ____ / ____ / ____ Updated info ____ / ____ / ____ Card issued ____ / ____ / ____
Mailchimp checked _______________ Security Token number _______________ Processed by _______________ Date completed ____ / ____ / ____
August 2015 eNews
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
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