LSC eNews August 2015

Commodore’s report

By the time you read this August edition of eNews all financial members should have received the Notice of 2015 AGM and Nomination Form to fill positions on the board. The Constitution states that notices may be sent by post or email as options. We have decided this year to send via email and post only to members who have not supplied an email address – about 10% of the membership. This is a considerable cost saving to the Club of some $350. This is my last opportunity to encourage members to consider accepting a nomination and/or self-

A momentary lapse of good judgement is all it takes to affect your good reputation and/or the Club’s. We do not need any reminders of the past: moving forward, united we stand. On Sunday 16th August, Karen and I attended the 33rd birthday of the Southport Yacht Club’s facilities at Dux on South Stradbroke Island. Secretary Roger and Gaye, together with several other LSC members, also attended the bash (see the photos on p.9). Fantastic band, a packed venue, and just plain good fun. Thank you to SYC for the great

nominating for a Board position. Nominations close Friday 11th September, 2015. Please call me to discuss your ability to contribute a small effort and make a big difference for at least one term on the Board. The LSC Board will always require new blood to continue our forward direction. A new Honorary Treasurer has now been appointed and we look forward to her taking up her position next month and continuing for the next term to October 2016.

hospitality. Some of their members we spoke with will be heading up our way in the near future and we look forward to returning the warm welcome. Dux managers Mark and Lyn Lopez (also LSC Members) really had the grounds looking great – with some help from the local wallabies (aka Suzie and Wilbur). The ‘red beacon episode’ is now, hopefully, at an end.

After its relocation earlier this year, a report was forwarded to the relevant authorities which resulted in the beacon being moved again, on Tuesday 18th August. Hopefully in the right direction this time. Don’t forget to mark the dates for Trophy Night (details of the nights’ events due soon) and AGM: Trophy Night for LSC Club and Sections (Fishing / Game Fish /Sailing) on Saturday 10th October. LSC AGM Sunday 11th October. Fly your burgee with pride.

The Financial Reports are almost complete and once collated will be distributed in the same manner as above. There has been a couple of unfortunate disruptions at the Club in recent months and I would like to strongly remind all members and their guests that we are a licenced premise and as such are governed by the Office of Liquor & Gaming and government regulations. Please obey any instructions from Board members, and from the Managers or staff in charge so as not to put their positions or the Club at risk.

Lyle Watkins Commodore

Tuesday 18th August 2015

Friday 31st July 2015

Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)

August 2015 eNews


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