LSC eNews August 2015
Monthly photo entries
A great response received for this month’s cover photo competition, with the eclectic spread of contributions adopting a range of interpretations of the guidelines, from the very literal to the rather alternative. Your eNews editor was quite taken with Barry Milward’s work (main picture here).
Optimistically titled “3 hours north of the fairway buoy” – and nary a navigation mark in sight save for the name of the image file – the pic was this month’s front-runner … until the Commodore’s kookaburra landed and took out the bonus ‘cute wildlife commendation’. Barry is delighted to accept Lyle’s 1,000 winner’s points as well as the ‘Spike Milligan award’ for most creative interpretation of a brief. An ‘Honourable Mention’ to Krystle Davy for putting her feet up (left) with one of the Lazaret reds in the distance.
INTER-CLUB BAY CRUISE : 19-26 September
The Interclub Bay Cruise promises to be a sensational week of fun, sun and friendship – and 2015 marks the 40th cruise of this Bay-wide event! Anton Prange, Vice-Commordore of the Interclub Bay Cruise Committee 2015 reports:
Deadline for registration is Friday 4th September. For more details please visit: This year’s itinerary can be found on the ICBC site at:!2015-itinerary/c1nne For all enquiries please send an email to Anton at:
“We are having a great response to the event. So far we’ve got Rummin Bear, Migaloo and RDO onboard from Little Ship Club but I’m sure there will be plenty more to follow.” The Interclub Bay Cruise committee warmly welcomes all Little Ship Club members to join us for the cruise and show your club colours with pride.
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
August 2015 eNews
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