Annual Report
Little Ship Club
(Queensland Squadron)
In relation to the appointment of
a chef for the bistro, there was
considerable expense to the Club
during the period November 2014
to April 2015 when it was necessary
to utilise contract labour from Chefs
on the Run. Finally, a suitable
appointment was made with chef John
Nasari starting in April.
Building and grounds maintenance.
A new dishwasher was purchased, all
locks were re-keyed to re-secure the
premises, and major plumbing, gas
line repairs and repairs to deep fryers
(due to water ingress which caused
major disruption to the bistro trading
during the Christmas/New Year
period) were also done. After many
years of absence the ‘Marlin’ and the
‘Red Beacon’ have been refurbished
and reinstalled. I would like to thank
all the volunteers who have given their
time to assist with the upkeep of the
grounds throughout this year.
Planning has begun for repairs and
upgrades to facilities utilising
preserved funds.
Stabilisation is only Part 1 of steering
this ship back on course – Part 2 is
negotiating a new route with a planned
course of action which will require
more Members to ‘take their turn at
the helm with all hands on deck’.
I hope this quip gets the message
across that a minimum of one year of
active duty can lighten the load and
ensure LSC has a future not just a past.
In closing, I would like to invite
all Members, both new and old, to
continue to support your Club and
to actively promote and patronise its
facilities. I look forward to meeting as
many of you as possible at the Club’s
Annual Trophy Night, and at the
Annual General Meeting, in October.
Lyle Watkins