Little Ship Club 2015-2016 Annual Report
House & Social report
This year has been disappointing in the area of volunteers to assist with the development and planning of events. I must thank our managers and particu- larly Julie Hackett for her enthusiasm and dedication in promoting and pursuing functions, entertainment and Club activities. Irrespective of my own time constraints, with several honor- ary roles, our Club has become quite the gathering place for young couples, families. children and their canine family members. When the long-mooted coffee machine is purchased this will be an added attraction to this younger group, as well for visitors and the mainland commuters using the Flyer water taxi at our door. After the resignation of Tracey Watts I took over the caretaker role of Di- rector (Membership). Membership management is quite onerous and straddles many boundaries involving Club managers and staff. When one is not totally conversant with software packages the role can sometimes seem over- whelming. However we soldiered on through the issues, including computer meltdowns and mislaid information. I apologise on behalf of the Board for any inconvenience caused during our membership audit and rebuilding processes.
Despite increasing musical offerings, patronage on Friday nights has decreased which would appear to be the direct result of changing the Members’ Draw to Saturday night. The newly introduced ‘Billy’s Draw’ which was intended to attract the local population has not been as successful as anticipated. We have many challenges ahead in the area of social activities and the Board in conjunction with our Managers are looking for affordable ways to introduce more regular live musical entertainment. The trial of month- ly ‘Twilight Markets’ on the Club’s grounds is another good start. Gaye Morcombe Director– House & Social Despite the retirement of almost a generation of older Members, our Club’s membership overall remains at reasonable levels and new applications and renewals continue to be received. My thanks to the promotional exper- tise of our Rear-Commodore, Matt Tesch, for his continued support with my role and in particular his ongoing assistance. We have in our Club a wonderful product offering and a truly unique location and I am confident that new generations of Members are already within our ranks. Gaye Morcombe Director – Membership (Acting)
Membership report Acting from July 2016
Member categories
Figures as at 30th June 2016
Full voting Members (including Full, Senior, PC HLM, HLM, FML)
Associate Members
Social Members
Total Financial Membership
AR.6 Annual Report 2015–2016
Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)
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