QAS INSIGHT | Summer 2017-18 edition

New BRT rolls out

“We get stopped for photos a lot, it’s really common for us to get flagged down,” Jane said. “People come up to us and want to talk about the bikes and want to have a chat to us.” With GC2018 only months away, anticipation is building, so much so this former Australian representative might even consider coming out of retirement. “I have too much respect for the athletes, I don’t think this old duck will be any match for them at all … in saying that I did come third in an enduro race on the weekend, so I’ll give it a crack,” Jane laughed.

Averaging around six to seven cases a day varying from near drownings, chest pains, collapsed patients and cut feet, the team are riding anywhere from 20 to 60 kilometres in a shift. “We’re riding hard, we’re really putting in, it adds a bit of excitement too,” Jane said. “It’s a really motivated, enthusiastic crew that we’ve got – everyone is really keen to make it work.” The team operates from a customised unit based on the Surfers Paradise beachfront and can be deployed to other areas if needed. Their visible presence has been well received by the general public.


Top ■ The inaugural ride along the esplanade at Surfers Paradise turned heads. Above ■ BRT member Tara Hardy showing Assistant Commissioner Commonwealth Games Gerard Lawler some of their kit.

Left ■ The BRT including Ian Procter, Warren Herlt, Jane McDonald, Tara Hardy, Shane McEvoy and Ricky Arnold with Assistant Commissioner Commonwealth Games Gerard Lawler at Broadbeach Bowls Club.

Summer 2017–18

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