QCWA Annual Report 2018-2019

Annual Report 2018–2019 • The Queensland Country Women’s Association

I cannot finish this report without acknowledging the dedication and moral and physical support of the SEB members. I have travelled over the past seven months with each of them and congratulate every one on the connections they are making with members and the communication they are handling on behalf of our Association. Whilst our Board meetings are ‘full on’, together we have worked for the Association to prosper as we move towards 2022 – our Centenary year. It is always sad to have a member complete her term of office and this year we will see Northern Region State Vice-President Marie Baulch leave the Board. Marie has served four years and made a huge contribution to all her divisions and to the State Board: we thank you, Marie, for your knowledge and humour along this journey. ‘Securing our Future’ – the theme for Conference 2019 – is very significant as the Centenary Committee appointed under the SEB will be increasing the activity and planning in the coming year in readiness for our celebrations. The Committee chairman is Marina Taylor and we all look forward to our Centenary, to 100 years and beyond, coming up very quickly. It has been an experience, this term of office, that I never thought I would have in QCWA. It has been enjoyable but also enlightening, challenging, learning, tiring and thought- provoking. I have experienced positive feedback and support and I thank those members for those words: a little thanks goes a long way.


I must acknowledge my patient husband for his ongoing support, cooking and back-up at home, otherwise I would not be able to serve our Association in this position. I am confident that together we will continue to attract ladies to our Association, increase our branch presence and become a force to represent women from all walks of life on community issues that face us. I have much pleasure in moving the Association’s 2018–19 Annual Report for adoption. Christine King


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