QCWA Annual Report 2018-2019
The Queensland Country Women’s Association • Annual Report 2018–2019
The ACWW World Conference was held in Melbourne on 4–10 April and was hosted by the Victoria CWA. From Registration right through to the Closing Ceremony, the Conference was a vibrant mix of women— as well as some intrepid men!—representing many associations from many nations around the world: about 650 people in total! There were many opportunities to renew old friendships and meet new friends during the Concurrent Sessions, as well as networking during meal breaks. Many reports were presented on the work of ACWW, including by Mrs Ruth Shanks am (World President’s Report); ACWW CEO Ms Tish Collins (the Central Office Report); World Treasurer Mrs Heather Brennan (the Finance and Membership Committee Report); as well as Committee Chairmen’s Reports (Projects, Communications and Marketing, the United Nations, Agriculture, and the Triennial Conference); and the nine Area Presidents’ Reports—including that by Mrs Gail Commens, our ACWW South Pacific Area President. Main Conference business was to debate and vote on 18 Resolutions across two categories, presented and voted on by the Voting Delegations, including: • Constitutional changes, such as the adoption of the New ACWW Constitution and By-Laws, Standing Orders, and Rules of Procedure; • Subscription increases for the different categories of membership, the role of Deputy World President and Chairman of the Agriculture Committee;
Policy Resolutions included: elimination of dog-mediated rabies; registration of old landfills; protection of shared marine environment, sustainable coral reefs and fish stocks; use of plastics; action on Climate Change; textiles and clothes; Domestic Violence; iron deficiency; gender-sensitive healthcare; health and nutrition; pollinator protection; Q or Query Fever; and safe and secure access to toilet facilities for all. Opening Ceremony Keynote Speaker, CEO of Fletcher International Exports Mrs Melissa Fletcher, talked of the development of the Dubbo family business, exporting lamb and sheep meat products. Dr Andrea Britten spoke on Dog Mediated Rabies Elimination , Sr Viji Dali on Women’s Leadership and Human Trafficking , Mrs Sandi de Wolf am spoke on Domestic Violence , and Nick Newland reported on the Global Survey of the Living Conditions of Rural Women . Sadly, this survey was not well-received/-supported around the world: of only about 2,000 total responses, Australia led the way with just over 500. The low numbers will not enable ACWW to use the results as a benchmark as had been hoped, so a second survey will be needed. Delegates also enjoyed some stunning entertainment, including the multi-talented and very energetic Principal Vocalists of Victoria State Schools Spectacular at the Opening Ceremony, a Creswick Woollen Mills fashion parade and the New Zealand documentary “She Shears” produced with Rural Women New Zealand, and hysterically funny comedienne Kelly Nash. The 90 Year History book of ACWW was launched at this event by Mrs Ruth Shanks, and the author Nick Newland from ACWW Central Office, was also in attendance.
The formal event of the week, the Gala Dinner saw the attendees dancing the night away (some even hitting the dance floor before dinner was served!) to an amazing band playing hits from many Australian bands, including AC/DC! Topics presented in the Concurrent Sessions were many and varied, allowing delegates to move into smaller groups, and then rotate into different breakout rooms to hear the different presentations. The guest speakers included QCWA’s own Country Kitchens Co-ordinator Fiona McKenzie presenting on CK, Warwick Shanks about Sustainable Development Goals, a representative from Creswick Woollen Mills talking about body shapes and scarf-tying techniques, speak- ers about Bush foods, and many more. At the Closing Ceremony, members of the new ACWW Board of Trustees 2019-–2022 were formally introduced. With Mrs Ruth Shanks’ retirement, Mrs Magdie de Kock from South Africa was inducted as new World President. The QCWA thanks Mrs Shanks for her wonderful years of service to ACWW, including six as ACWW South Pacific Area President, then another six as World President! A huge commitment for Ruth, and we wish her well in retirement. Welcome to Mrs Magdie de Kock and her wealth of knowledge in her new role, for which she is well qualified, having served as ACWW Marketing and Publicity Committee Chairman for six years. Congratulations to both these wonderful women and ACWW World leaders!
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