QCWA Annual Report 2018-2019

The Queensland Country Women’s Association • Annual Report 2018–2019

2019 Dame Alice Berry Fund International Donations ACWW Women Empowered Fund

Nutrition, Good Health, and Wellbeing


Sustainable Water, Sanitation, and Energy


ACWW Women Walk the World


Pennies for Friendship


QCWA ACWW Category 1 Membership


Friendship Levy .50c / member ACWW Administration


Sub-total ($)


ACWW SPA Water Tank Projects (incl. Bosin Tank $800.00) SPA Administration Expenses


Together with other members of the QCWA State Executive Board (SEB), I have attended two Region Conferences, and have presented a variety of International sessions covering topics such as QCWA International Projects, the ACWW World Conference and South Pacific Area Projects, as well as on Women Walk the World Day (29 April). The SEB received a very warm welcome in Ipswich for the Southern Region Conference, 29 April—2 May, and in Atherton for the Northern Region Conference, 6–9 June. Thank-you to the members of the Atherton Tableland and West Moreton Divisions for hosting; it was wonderful to meet new members and renew friendships, and to spend a little time travelling in your divisions. Non-Conference Council was held in Cairns this year 24—29 May, and with a very full agenda a huge amount of QCWA business was addressed. The SEB also had the opportunity to visit several venues, with a view to holding the 2020 State Conference in Cairns. Thank-you to the Division President of Far Northern Division, Noelene Byrne, and members of Freshwater Branch for looking after the Councillors so well. I would also like to express my thanks to Sue Baillie, the President of Greater Brisbane Division, and her members, who very capably catered the morning tea at the United Nations Peacekeeper’s March and Ceremony . This was held on 25 May in ANZAC Square — unfortunately, during the course of Non-Conference Council and, as a result, I was unable to attend. Although hectic, it has been a wonderful eight months of researching and learning about Lithuania, International Projects, South Pacific Area, ACWW and United Nations, and I’m looking forward to receiving the International Competition entries, both school children’s and members’ contributions.



SPA President’s Travel Expenses


SPA Conference Port Moresby Sponsorship


Sub-total ($)




UNAA / QLD Membership


Sub-total ($)




Thank-you most sincerely to the divisions and committees which donate prize money towards the International Competitions : it is very greatly appreciated! Thank-you also to my fellow State officers and State Office staff for all your support and to past State International officers, for your guidance and advice. To those branches and divisions which have participated in International activities throughout the year — whether the promotion of the Country of Study (Lithuania) in your local schools, participating in Women Walk the World Day , celebrating United Nations International Days (for example, International Women’s Day on 8 March and International Rural Women’s Day , 15 October) or compiling birthing kits, kits for kids, or other International projects — I would like to say thank-you so much and well done! Your donations, both monetary and in-kind, have made a huge difference in the lives of women and children in the South Pacific area.


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