QCWA Annual Report 2018-2019
Annual Report 2018–2019 • The Queensland Country Women’s Association
ATHERTON TABLELAND DIVISION President Ann Kelly Secretary Beverley Milligan Treasurer Margaret Sweitzer Branches Atherton Mareeba Dimbulah Millaa Millaa Forsayth Mount Garnett Georgetown Ravenshoe Herberton Tolga Malanda Yungaburra
Division and branch members travelled to Georgetown and Forsayth in August to celebrate Forsayth’s 90th year and to present Cynthia Haig with a 50-year Pin. Yungaburra QCWA Rooms were badly damaged when hit by a vehicle on 22 August. It was several months before repairs began and they are still in progress. Millaa Millaa Branch hosted Finals Day at the hall and members contributed with poems, quizzes and a ‘Dutch Auction.’ A luncheon to celebrate the Division’s 70th birthday at the Atherton International Club was attended by the Tablelands Regional Council and Mareeba Shire Council Mayors and members from other divisions. A great day had by all and an opportunity to catch up with friends. The Division Valentine’s Day Cent Sale was held in Merriland Atherton on 2 March and funds raised were donated to the QCWA Flood Appeal. Country Kitchens held a Facilitators’ Workshop 0n 6 September 2019 at the Atherton International Club.
Region Conference began at the Atherton International Club with an evening meet-and-greet on 6 June 2019, joined by four State Executive members. Guest speakers were Krista Watkins from Natural Evolutions , Maurie Damon spoke on honey (our Product of the Year), and Tanya Fleming spoke on the role of midwives during pregnancy and childbirth. This is my final report as Division President. My thanks to those who have supported me over this time, and congratulations to those who will be taking on positions for the next term.
Noelene Byrne Pam Garner Helen Assman Freshwater Kuranda Mossman Mount Molloy Port Douglas
Secretary Treasurer
Donations: Received from the Pullman International Hotel Cairns $6,111.00; Hilton Cairns Hotel $1,265.00; FFA Cup (Soccer) $3,785.00; Cairns Scope Club $5,000.00 and Inner Wheel Cairns $1,000.00 for the Drought Appeal. Showcasing: Branch members enter items in annual country Shows in most of the QCWA contests. This year, six branches entered items in lnnisfail, seven in Cairns. Ladies, you can be very proud of yourselves with displaying many of the beautiful items you have made. Holiday Units: Cairns, Kurrimine and Flying Fish Point are well-managed. The Division has a Facebook page; both holiday units each have their own website. Christmas Lunch: Well-attended; State Vice-President Marie Baulch graced us with her presence. Sadly, we lost two of our longstanding members in December 2018: Robin Anderson oam and former State President (1999—2002) Myra Pincott ao. On a brighter note, two longstanding members celebrated significant birthdays: Ronnie Holden (90) and Joyce Lidden (91). Branches held various functions such as Internation- al Lunches, a craft fair, cent sales, trivia nights, card afternoons and high teas.
Cairns Aerial Outpost
Deeral Earlville
Silkwood Smithfield
East Palmerston Flying Fish Point
International: Two members attended International Weekend and five at the ACWW Conference. I would like to thank Freshwater Branch for hosting the May 2019 Council meeting and the Hilton Cairns Hotel for hosting a dinner for the Executive and Councillors. Thank-you to all members: I value your friendship and support during my term on office. Special thank-you to Pam, Helen, Faye, Yvonne, Kaye and June for your support throughout the year.
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