QCWA Annual Report 2018-2019

The Queensland Country Women’s Association • Annual Report 2018–2019

The Queensland Country Women's Association The ueensland Country o en's Association

The Queensland Country Women's Association

Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income For the Year Ended 30 June 2019 tate e t f r fit r ss a t er For the Year Ended 30 June 2019

Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income For the Year Ended 30 June 2019 re e sive I c e

2019 $ 2019 $

2018 $ 2018 $

2019 $

2018 $

Note Note


Revenue Membership Subscriptions Revenue Membership Subscription Administration Fees Administration Fees

Revenue Membership Subscriptions

150,696 77,369 150,696 77,369 1,672,898 1,672,898 186,395 186,395 1,862,250 12,727,882 1,893,885 1,274,347 1,862,250 12,727,882 1,893,885 1,274,347 454,848 281,438 454,848 281,438 20,582,008 20,582,008 (176,543) (107,135) (821,797) (176,543) (107,135) (821,797) (41,447) (161,559) (308,273) (41,447) (161,559) (308,273)

150,696 77,369 7,350 ,350 1,672,898 210,691 210,691 186,395 1,862,250 12,727,882 1,893,885 1,274,347 1,860,098 776,694 1,892,602 1,124,511 320,372 1,860,098 776,694 1,892,602 1,124,511 320,372 454,848 281,438 20,582,008 8,764,484 8,764,484 1,811,035 1,811,035 630,751 630,751 130,380 130,380


Administration Fees


Accommodation Accommodation Sale of stock Fundraising Sale of stock Fundraising



Sale of stock Fundraising



Donations Donations Grants Grants




1,892,602 1,124,511

Rental income Rental income

Rental income

Interest Interest


320,372 630,751

Other Revenue Total revenue Other Revenue Total revenue Expenses Purchases Expenses Purchases Subscriptions Fundraising Subscriptions Fundraising Donations Conference Donations Conference

Other Revenue Total revenue


Expenses Purchases

(176,543) (107,135) (821,797) (86,179) (86,179) (11,607,591) (779,914) (101,766) (826,098) (779,914) (101,766) (41,447) (161,559) (308,273) (147,401) (147,401) (826,098) (161,962) (361,447) (161,962) (361,447)

(147,401) (86,179) (826,098) (779,914) (101,766) (161,962) (361,447)

Subscriptions Fundraising Donations Conference

(11,607,591) (11,607,591)

Audit and Accounting Fees Audit and Accounting Fees

Audit and Accounting Fees

Insurance Insurance


(1,264,051) (1,277,706) (1,264,051) (1,277,706)

Repairs and Maintenance Repairs and Maintenance

(1,264,051) (1,277,706)

Repairs and Maintenance

(758,709) (758,709)

Utilities Utilities

(723,199) (723,199)




(1,062,077) (1,176,159) (1,062,077) (1,176,159)

Depreciation Ruth Magazine Other Expenses Depreciation Ruth Magazine Other Expenses

(1,062,077) (1,176,159)

Depreciation Ruth Magazine Other Expenses

(4,150) (4,150)

(4,150) (308) (308)


(995,992) (1,647,662) (1,488,526) (1,506,668) (18,797,850) (8,796,469) (995,992) (1,647,662) (1,488,526) (1,506,668) (18,797,850) (8,796,469)

(995,992) (1,647,662) (1,488,526) (1,506,668) (18,797,850) (8,796,469)

Payroll Payroll


Total expenses Total expenses

Total expenses

Net surplus / (deficit) from operating activities Net surplus / (deficit) from operat ng activities

1,784,158 1,784,158

1,784,158 (31,985) (31,985)

Net surplus / (deficit) from operating activities


Capital income and expenditure Gain on sale of properties Sale of Ruth Fairfax House Motel Capital income and expenditure Gain on sale of properties Sale of Ruth Fairfax H use Motel Loss on sale of properties Loss on sale of properties Total capital income / (expenditure) Total capital income / (expenditure)

Capital income and expenditure Gain on sale of properties Sale of Ruth Fairfax House Motel

810,392 810,392


810,392 -


- -

830,000 830,000



- (2,910,911) - (2,910,911)

- (2,910,911)

Loss on sale of properties

810,392 810,392

(2,080,911) (2,080,911)

Total capital income / (expenditure)



Net surplus / (deficit) for the year Net surplus / (deficit) for the year

2,594,550 (2,112,896) 2,594,550 (2,112,896)

Net surplus / (deficit) for the year

2,594,550 (2,112,896)

Other comprehensive income Revaluation changes for property, plant and equipment Other comprehensive incom Revaluation chang s for property, plant and equipment

Other comprehensive income Revaluation changes for property, plant and equipment

(497,660) (497,660)


(497,660) -


Total comprehensive income for the year Total comprehensive incom for the year

2,096,890 (2,112,896) 2,096,890 (2,112,896)


Total comprehensive income for the year

2,096,890 (2,112,896)

The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements. The accompanying notes form part of th e financial statem nts.

The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.

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