QFES Volunteerism Strategy Discussion Paper : 2017

From the Commissioner Katarina Carroll APM Commissioner, Queensland Fire and Emergency Services

Across the state and around the globe, change is occurring exponentially; we all live in a dynamic environment which itself has highlighted a distinct and critical need for the emergency management sector to plan ahead.

Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) is a department currently in a period of change; change to establish our department as One QFES and change that will ensure we are well positioned to meet the needs and expectations of the community and government of Queensland both now and in the future. In saying this, we also acknowledge the impacts this ever-changing environment we live and work in has on our community, and in particular, the area of volunteering. QFES has a volunteer workforce of more than 42,000 dedicated people around Queensland who are ready to support their communities if and when they are needed the most. Our volunteers are a key component in the department’s ability to create community resilience and to continue to help keep the people of Queensland safe. It is therefore critical we not only understand and address contemporary challenges currently facing volunteerism and volunteers in emergency services today, but work in partnership with our stakeholders and the sector to look toward the future to pre-emptively address these challenges together for our shared tomorrow. Being part of a community is about more than just our geographical location–it is about shared respect; being aware and connected; building relationships and participation; and valuing what we all have to give to each other and to contribute to those around us. I encourage you to be part of the discussion around the QFES Volunteerism Strategy and hope you use this unique opportunity to provide us with your invaluable insights, opinions and ideas.

Community is about the strength in what we all bring to the table; not the single chairs around the table itself.


olunteerism Strategy Discussion Paper : 2017

Queensland Fire and Emergency Services

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