Goethe Society

The Queensland Goethe Society was formed in April 1955 by Professor Keith Leopold as an autonomous and apolitical organisation, and he guided its activities for the first 30 years, writes Bruce Downie, the society’s current president. Keith Leopold began his tenure at the University of Queensland in 1946 as was Head of Department for 21 years until his retirement in 1985. It was his passion for German language and culture which Goethe Society members continue to uphold today. The objects of the society were to: foster the study of Goethe’s works and thought, and an interest in German literature and culture more generally. A range of competitions and activities for students, including the Goethe Verse Speaking Competition, entertainment for schools, Professor Leopold’s Schools’ Quiz and so on, created a lot of interest amongst students of German. Goethe Society meetings were originally held at Bible House in the City, later at the University of Queensland and more recently at the German Club and the Queensland LOTE Centre in South Brisbane. Functions are generally conducted in German so they supply a forum where the language can be both heard and practised in an informal, relaxed atmosphere. The Society continues to offer a wide range of activities fostering German language and culture as well as the Primary Goethe Verse Speaking Competition, organised by Patricia Scheck since 1990. An active social program is offered year-round, including bushwalks and ‘weekends away’, regular Kaffee Klatsch catch-ups, talks, guest speakers, dinners, visits to members’ homes, and literature evenings. Advent festivities, which follow each Annual General Meeting are a much-anticipated highlight of the year’s calendar. Goethe Societies were formed in most states and over time there have been several branches across Queensland, although Brisbane is currently the sole operation.

A Goethe Society Queensland dinner at Mount Tamborine in 1993, which was arranged by Dr Tanya Christa, seated on the right behind her equally luminary husband Boris.

Snapped at the 2011 German Film Festival (left to right): Barbara and Bruce Downie, Irma Asher and Joanne Rynja.

A group walk during a weekend in the Boonah district really bought to life the excellent talk on German settlers.

Patricia Scheck is hiding behind the microphones in the rear of the 4EB studios, with Bruce and Irma seated in front.

Queensland Goethe Society Presidents 1955-1984 Professor Keith Leopold 1987-1991 Dr Tanya Christa 1996-2000 Bruce Downie 2001-2006 Irma Asher 2007-2012 Bruce Downie Commemorative dinner held at the Brisbane German Club in 2010 to celebrate 55 years of the Goethe Society Queensland.



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