German Club, Brisbane

Gold Coast German Club

construction of, by Paul Tesch 75, 174 overview and history of 172-175

see German Club, Gold Coast

gold rushes

early emigration 2 effects of 40 Gympie region 110

German Club, Gold Coast

profile and history of (incl. images) 212

German Emigration Center

Golden Cockerel

see DAH / Deutsches Auswanderer Haus

poultry producer 235

German Festival for Short Films reference 208 German Language Group formation of 184 German Pocket

Goodnight Scrub

settlement location 90


settlement location 90


placename (see also Bethanien / Bethania) 101

location 122 Gorgas, General W C

German Research Foundation (DFG)

UQ collaborations with Germany 284

see Prinz Sigismund

German Sausage Hut


profile and advertisement 211

emigrant origins 100

German Station

Goss, Wayne

essay on 96 see also Zion’s Hill and Nundah 94 German-Australian Chamber of Industry and Commerce see AHK Germania statue of (Niederwalddenkmal) 118 Germany confederation 40 evolution of statehood (maps) 36 initial unification, 1871 40 travel to, around - suggested itineraries 32 Giessen university, reference 84 Gilham, Jayson references 192 Gilston location, Gold Coast 238 Gin Gin settlement location 90 Gladstone alumina refinery, reference 260 economic growth 237 reference 63 Glass House Mountains image 277 image and map 152-153 views from Maleny / King Ludwig’s (incl. image) 214 Gleisenberg, Margaret reference 184 Glen Linedale mining location 230 Glencoe settlement location 90 Glengallan location (map) 118 Global Tungsten and Powders Corporation reference 280 Globke, Rainer Crest Electronics 269 Gneisenau, SMS German armoured cruiser 62 Gnodtke, Hans-Günther former consul-general (image) 181 Goddard, Sue and Bill restoration of Assmanshausen 165 Godeffroy Museum see Museum Godeffroy Godeffroy ships

reference 243


missionaries, Moreton Bay 42

Gossner Mission Society establishment of 94 Gossner, Pastor Johannes German missionary 94 Göttingen university, reference 42 government

affairs of, in 1980s 240, 243 early efforts to document settlement 114 Fassifern Germans’ roles in 107

Johann Hubinger, role in 127 Queensland at separation 47

Government House see Fernberg Governor Blackall

steamer, ASN Co 9


Sir Arthur Kennedy 58, 114 Sir Walter Campbell conference address 71 see also Bowen, Sir George Ferguson

Gowrie Junction

location, reference 166

G räffe, Dr Eduard

Swiss zoologist 51

Graham, Mary

reference 99

Grand Hote l

Southport 157


destination of Queensland’s first railway 120 Lockyer Valley 54

Granite Belt

border region around Stanthorpe (incl. map) 124


see wine (various)


Godeffroy ship - early voyages to Moreton Bay 2 ship, reference 92

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority references 241 Great Northern Tin mining company 230 Great Sandy Bay see Maryborough Greiffenberg emigrant origins 100 Greifswald ship, reference 171 Griffith University

commercial arrangements 50 declining conditions aboard 49 fleet size 3 names of 2 standards on board 2, 3, 5 see also individual vessel names

collaborations - see individual entries essay on missionary efforts 112-113 establishment and growth 246 honorary doctorate for Martin Albrecht 261 operational profile 250

Godeffroy u. Sohn introduction 2 Godeffroy, J C VI image 3

links with Heussler 41

Gross Jestin

location 93 Gulf of Carpentaria

recreational and other interests 50 trading interests in the South Seas 50 overview, history and activities of 176 support by GABA 262

Leichhardt’s disappearance 43

Goethe Society

Günterber g

emigrant origins 100 images 128 on map 108 reference 74


mining 230 see also gold rushes


Gold Coast

ship, reference 230

Bavarian orchestral visit to 193 establishment of Bond University 241 Hinze family development and legacy 238, 239 Sommer and Staff projects on 256

Guugu Yimidhirr

Aboriginal peoples 71 Guy Atkinson Construction references 260


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