Kates, Francis
parliamentary tenure 178
cruiser squadron 58
Kross, E C
reference 73
Wilhelsmburg master 2
Kruger, Pastor Carl
Klub der Karnevalisten , reference 175
efforts in Fassifern 107
Keating, Isolde
Kruger, Ray
reference 184
parliamentary tenure 179
Kedron Brook
location (map) 116 location and settlement 94-95
reference 231 Kruse, Professor Dr Olaf
Kelke, Wolfgan g
Solar Biofuels Consortium UQ partner 287
interview with 202
Kuchler, Harry
Kelvin Grove
early viniculture efforts 116 Kurze Beschreibung der Kolonie Queensland guidebook 37 production and content 48 La Rochelle
QUT campus (image) 275 Urban Village and QUT campus 271
Kennedy, Sir Arthur
Queensland’s fifth governor 114, 115
Keppel Bay
Godeffroy ship - early voyages to Moreton Bay 2 Amalie Dietrich aboard 52
see Port Alma
Kidby, Lang
final voyages, sale and loss 7 Georg Benfer’s arrival on 234 image 7, 50 specifications 6
aviation adventurer (incl. images) 146
Kiel Canal
dredging and use of 18
location 93 Killen, Sir James image 242 King Jacky
location, reference 235
Lady Nelson
ship, reference 170
Aboriginal elder 134 King Ludwig’s of Maleny restaurant visit 214 King of Cakes advertisement 2 03
Lockyer Valley 54 reference 90
Lake Elphinstone
Dietrich’s investigations (incl. image) 52
profile and interview 202-203
Sloman ship – early voyages to Moreton Bay 2 arrivals at Maryborough 110 quarantine at Peel Island 11 specifications and image 82
Kinne, Fritz
Maryborough settler 111
yum! 218 Kircher, Jacob
Lancelot Tin Mining Company references 230 land
death of 1 19 viniculturist, arrival at Moreton Bay 118
acquisition and clearing of, by Hielschers 244 clearing and cropping, Logan district 148 clearing, Maleny district 133 conditions on Blackall Ranges 132 difficulties in clearing, Maleny area 130 efforts to clear 105, 106 entitlements 48 entitlements reassigned against cost of passage 49 grants, Darling Downs region 90 grants, references 92 Logan River district 100 Rosewood Scrub, opening of 104 selections by Tesches, Teutoberg and Maleny area 130 selections, Fassifern district 106 selections, Henry Rössler’s at Toowoomba 122 selections, Hubinger’s, outside Cardwell 126 selections, Kleinschmidts at Pimpama Island 136 soldier-settlement program 117
placename changes 104
Kirchner, Joseph
immigration agent 37, 82, 100 efforts to provide immigrants to Wide Bay region 110 Klaatsch, Hermann ethnographic research (anthropologist) 99 Kleinschmidt (family) business interests, Beenleigh to Bundaberg 137 Kleinschmidt, Albert sugar mill relocation Beenleigh to Baffle Creek 54 Kleinschmidt, Ferdinand account of arrival at Logan River 102 Kleinschmidt, Fritz marine interests (incl. image p.157) 156 Kluck, Auguste scarlet fever, aboard Friedeburg 11 Kluck, Matilda illness aboard Friedeburg , death on Peel Island 11 Knuth, Jeffrey parliamentary tenure 179 Knuth, Shane current MP 178 Koch, Ludwig German arachnologist 170 Kofler, Annemarie reference 184 Kolbe, Captain commanding officer of SMS Berlin 66 Köln German light cruiser 66 Kopper, E C, Captain Friedeburg master 10 Kortum, Dr Axel vice-consul, Cooktown 180 Krauel, Richard German consul-general 58 Krause (family) La Rochelle first voyage to Moreton Bay 6 Krause, Jon current MP 1 78 Krause, Joyce family history 6 reference 91 Kretshmer, Edward architect of Brisbane German Club 173 Kreuzer, Wolfgang irrepressible personality 184, 186
Lands Department references 130
survey requirements 54
location (map) 130 Lang, Dr John Dunmore reference 82
missionary efforts, Moreton Bay 94
Langer, Karl and Gertrude
essay on (incl. images) 68-69
location, south of Rockhampton 55
Langstroth, Reverend Lorenzo bee-keeping techniques 228 Langton, Professor Christian ultrasound research 272 Larkum, Professor Tony
Solar Biofuels Consortium UQ partner 287
Lasa, Dietrich
profile of (incl. image) 204-205
Lavarack, Sir John and Lady image 145 lederhosen reference 77 Legislative Assembly members of 178, 179 Legislative Council Heussler in parliament 48 Lehmann, Karl
internment photographer 171
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