Making Waves Foundation update
Glen Scott recalls taking on oversight of The TRIBE on her arrival in Brisbane “I offered to oversee the start of her restoration work after she arrived from Adelaide after two days on the road,” he said. “It was an unexpected privilege to get things started.”
During the boat’s interstate relocation, a nascent band of Volunteers began to coalesce, as plans were being made ahead of her arrival aboard the transporter at Hemmant on 1 May. The suburban trip to the Squadron delivered some bonus Royal Esplanade foliage as she was transferred to the hardstand to start the next chapter of her life. The initial expectation of four weeks on the hard will doubtless raise both smiles and eyebrows, as the timeframe expanded. An external imperative was needed to limit this to four months (!) — the impending Official Opening of the 139th Sailing Season on 2 September — and Glen handed over to MWF’s Natalie Herity at the start of August.
TRIBE wetted her freshly antifouled (and decaled!) hull in the harbour on Monday 28 August for an intense effort to re-step her mast and secure the new rig ahead of her maiden outing on the Opening Day sailpast. P/Cdre Greg Clarke skippered, with volunteers and family aboard, along with MWF CEO Julian Martin. “I reckon I put in around 100 hours in the first three months,” Glen said, “and there would have easily been about 500 hours’ work (if not more) overall, between the Volunteers and the onsite tradies: AWM, Rope Solutions, Sea Dog, Electech, Moore Marine and Moreton Bay Signs.” n
Keen eyes spotted the Farr 40 in Adelaide in a less than ideal condition but it was obvious that the boat had ‘good bones’ and would be a worthwhile investment for the future — there was “a clear-eyed appreciation of the lots of work which would be involved,” recalls Glen, “but overall she represents good value-for-money.” MWF engaged RQYS to do the necessary repairs — “hull, topsides, pretty much all of her … but there were no unexpected surprises uncovered.”
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Mainsheet 2023
Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron Yearbook
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