
ResiCAT User Manual

If you select CLOUD, no further action is required. If you select LOCAL in the field labelled 3M Grouper Path, enter or update the pathway to the 3M DRG Grouper on your C: drive. Then click UPDATE. NOTE: This instruction is applicable to those using ResiCAT linked with a grouper on a PC or laptop. In Release 1 this option requires linkage to the 3M DRG Grouper and your default browser must be Internet Explorer.

NOTE: For ResiCAT to work properly you must also ensure that the website address is included as a Trusted Site. To do this, click on the Internet Tools icon in the top right hand corner of your screen. Select ‘Internet Options’ then ‘Security’ then ‘Trusted Sites’. Copy the ResiCAT website address into the box that is displayed.

Version 1.4


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