
ResiCAT User Manual

Choose the DATA VALUE TYPE of your dataset from the drop-down menu which lists common types of formats of audit data e.g. VIC -VAED, NSW – ISC - or as shown in the screen shot below.

The Data Value Type you select here controls the values in the drop-down menus accessed during the coding phase of the audit and the overall format of the stored data.

It is mandatory to select a Data Value Type. If you don’t, the dataset cannot be saved and an error message will appear.

At this point there are two tick boxes (indicated by the arrows in the screen shot above):  If you want to be able to enter a diagnosis code more than once, tick the first box labelled ALLOW DUPLICATE DIAGNOSES.  If you want to be able to audit the Condition Onset Flag, tick the second box labelled AUDIT COF. In the field labelled HOSPITAL NAME enter the hospital’s name and in the field labelled NAME, enter a name for the dataset. The name you enter at this point will be the file name you use to retrieve the dataset at the next stage. As you may create any number of subsets from the full dataset, it is recommended that you name the file in a way that will assist in identifying its contents.

A message will appear to let you know that the dataset has been saved successfully.

Version 1.4


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