
ResiCAT User Manual

Enter the ICD-10-AM diagnosis codes selected by the auditor.

You do not have to use the SHIFT key or CAPS LOCK key to enter a diagnosis code. It will automatically enter the alpha character as upper case.

Enter diagnosis codes using dots, e.g. Angina NOS I20.9 is entered as I20.9 not I209.

If you enter a code without the dot or the code you enter is not a valid diagnosis code, the program will give you an error message stating it is an invalid code, as shown below.

As you enter a diagnosis code a list of possible codes will appear as illustrated in the screen shot below. Click on the code you wish to enter or continue to type it in.

The next column is the Condition Onset Flag, labelled COF. If you have opted to audit the COF when saving the dataset the default of 2 will be displayed. If you need to change this, click on the number and an arrow for a drop-down box will appear. Options for selection are 1 or 2. See screen shot below.

Version 1.4


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